「 your funeral, my trial 」

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your funeral, my trial

[ JULY THIRD, 96' ]

No one in particular,


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'Down the road I look and there runs Mary
Hair of gold and lips like cherries
We go down to the river where the willows weep
Take a naked root for a lover's seat
That rose out of the bitten soil
But bound to the ground by creeping ivy coils
O Mary you have seduced my soul
(And I don't know right from wrong)
Forever a hostage of your child's world

And then I ran my tin-cup heart along
The prison of her ribs
And with a toss of her curls
That little girl goes wading in
Rollin her dress up past her knee
Turning these waters into wine
Then she platted all the willow vines
Spooked by the new shadows that she cast
Across these sad waters and across my heart'

CW: detailed substance abuse, violence from last chapter and description of in-hospital care — I apologise for any inaccuracies (dialogue between healer's, etc) I'm far less confident in this area. Thank you for reading!

Sirius Black was smoking at his window like he had been doing every single morning since she'd been gone.
The days that followed had been nothing short of devastating, with Sirius going to lengths to remain by her side should she wake...

No one would tell him a single fucking thing, except for that visiting hours were nine to five.
He supposed the name Black still carried considerable weight about it, it didn't matter that he was as good as pardoned when most in the hospital would positively collapse at the sight. It was never a pleasant ideal unless what you sought was to be feared, and he could think of only one person...

He wished nothing more than to show up at ten past six and for Hera to sneak him in through the window, but she'd been provided full-blown Ministry protection for fear of both Death Eaters and the public's heightened interest in her of late.

Though not on Dumbledore's orders this time around, Sirius wasn't supposed to leave the house yet. Not until he'd been formally acquitted in front of the Ministry — which he was beginning to doubt would ever happen if they had their way...

His life was confined to what it had been before, only this time Sirius feared losing her beyond all else.
He'd told half the staff that they were married just to see her, and had taken to sleeping in the chairs to the side hoping she might stir in the night.

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