「 morning song 」

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morning song


No one in particular,


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'Love set you going like a fat gold watch.
The midwife slapped your
footsoles, and your bald cry  
Took its place among the elements.

I'm no more your mother
Than the cloud that distills a
mirror to reflect its own slow
Effacement at the wind's hand.

All night your moth-breath
Flickers among the flat pink roses.
I wake to listen:
A far sea moves in my ear.

One cry, and I stumble from bed,
cow-heavy and floral
In my Victorian nightgown.
Your mouth opens clean as a
cat's. The window square

Whitens and swallows its dull
stars. And now you try
Your handful of notes;
The clear vowels rise like balloons.'

'morning song' by Sylvia Plath is where
the theme of alienation to motherhood comes from later in this chapter,
i found it very cathartic to write.

          "Come on, Ron, you were always saying how boring Scabbers was, " George tried to be of some reassurance to his brother, all while glaring at Fred to come and help console, Ron.

"Oh, yeah. He's been off-colour for ages; he was practically decomposing already— "
Alicia sent a kick to Fred's shin, shaking her head at his insensitivity.

"I mean, it was probably better for him to snuff it quickly — one swallow — he probably didn't feel a thing. "

George stopped Fred from saying anything else that would upset their brother,
"Ron, all he did was eat and sleep; you said it yourself. And besides, he's been alive for twelve odd years; he was bound to go one day. "

"He bit Goyle for us once!" Ron turned to Harry, a pitiful smile on his face,
"Remember, Harry?"

Harry nodded, his mind absent from the conversation as he appeared to be somewhere far away.

Fred struggled to keep a straight face and looked to Alicia, who was doing the same despite telling him off just a few seconds before,
"His finest hour, " Fred and George said in some attempt at sincerity, their hands covering their mouths as they willed their laughter not to escape.

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