「 shadow, substance, and sunrise 」

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shadow, substance, and sunrise

[ MID - LATE APRIL , 97' ]

Hera Potter,


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'Since Death from the mother moon
has pared us down to the quick,
And cast us forth like shorn, thin moons, to travel
An uncharted way among the myriad thick
Strewn stars of silent people, and luminous litter
Of lives which sorrows like mischievous
dark mice chavel
To nought, diminishing each star's glitter,

Since Death has delivered us
utterly, naked and white,
Since the month of childhood is over,
and we stand alone,
Since the beloved, faded moon that set us alight
Is delivered from us and pays no heed
though we moan in sorrow,
Since we stand in bewilderment, strange and fearful to sally forth down the sky's long-range.'

CW: dubious consent and loss of virginity underage — take caution if this triggers you, neither are in detail, it is only an allusion to in flashbacks — extensive reference to past drug abuse, references to pregnancy.

When a man loves you, it changes everything.
Based on the judgement of those she hadn't seen in years, from people who only knew what the papers reported, you'd see a man who looked mad, bad and dangerous to know despite his exoneration.

But he was a warm soul if there ever was one, something she hadn't expected whatsoever.
The saying that you find love when you least expect it rang true in the case of Hera Potter.

He liked being looked after, and most of all liked having someone beside him to look after too.
For Hera, he represented permeance, stability and the all love that could be shared in this world.

How maddening was it that just five years ago she never could've imagined such a life for herself?

{ July 15th, 1993 }

A year had passed before I'd even had the time to register it.
I don't know what I'd wasted my time on — likely chasing the next high and abusing everything I came into contact with.
I'd hurt so much more than myself.

I'd been out of school for just four weeks, and in that time, my drug abuse had reached an all-time high.
I'd hardly spent time with Harry in those first few weeks of summer, but Vernon and Petunia had grown increasingly frightful having two magical children under their household — with that threat, came a small amount of autonomy for Harry.

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