Epilogue Part Two| Ecstasy

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Epilogue pt. 2: Ecstasy


I got discharged from the hospital two days after I gave birth. I was still getting over the fact that I had a kid in my arms and not just in my belly. Labor was a bitch, but it was worth it in the end. I got lucky that my delivery was smooth. I didn't get any tears and the epidural worked like a charm.

We named her Crystal. She was the most adorable baby in the whole universe. To me, she looked like Kai, except for my lips. Those were unmistakable. Mom - both of our mothers, actually - thought that she looked like me. I didn't argue with the passionate grandmothers.

Kai had adapted to fatherhood faster than a bird would learn to fly. It was like he had been doing it forever. I didn't know how, but I was not complaining. He was a huge help and his support and love got me through most of it.

I could never fit my love for him into words, but our daughter seemed like a good start.

A loud crying noise filled the room and the man beside me jumped awake. His hair fell onto his face as he groaned softly.

"Shh, I'll take it," I whispered, pushing his hair back affectionately. He looked cute.

"No, you rest. I've got it." He sat up immediately, kissing my hand before standing up.

"I wasn't even asleep, Kai," I told him, watching him walk to her crib.

Although we had built her a nursery, we could never really leave her there for long periods of time, especially at night. We wanted to keep her close, at least in the beginning, to make sure that she was never unintentionally neglected. Yeah, we could use baby monitors, but we didn't really trust them much when it came to Crys. We were both paranoid that way.

"It's okay," he said, gently picking a thrashing Crystal up. She didn't stop, but that didn't seem to bother Kai. He just gazed down at her with heart eyes. He rocked her in his arms, swaying on his feet in an attempt to calm her down.

"All good?" I asked, laying on my side with my hands under my head as I watched the duo. I briefly glanced at the wall clock. It was half-past midnight.

"Will be," he replied. "Try to sleep, mon amour. You've had a rough week. I'll take Crys down to the nursery."

"No need." I stifled a yawn. I sat up with some effort. I was still a little sore. "Bring her here." I opened my arms. He gave me a reproachful look which I returned with an assuring one. He sighed in defeat, walking over and carefully handing her to me. He watched keenly as I inspected her. "She needs a change of diaper." I laughed.

"Again?" He asked in bewilderment, already bringing her changing kit to me. "We did that just a few hours ago."

"Yes, again," I said, amused. "Can you please get the lights, babe?"

"Of course," he answered. He switched on the soft ones, mindful of Crystal's recent sleepy state. "Do you need help with her?"

"Nope." I worked quickly, already adept at the job. You would be surprised by the number of diaper changes a newborn requires.

Kai was quick to take the dirty diaper and dispose it off while I cleaned Crystal up, powdered her, put her into a fresh diaper, and dressed her again. She calmed down considerably after that. Kai sat down in front of me as I rocked a drowsy Crys in my arms.

"Aren't you tired?" He asked me.

"I am," I smiled, "But it's funny how I'm not sleepy at all. And when I have her in my arms like this, I don't want to sleep. I feel like this is all a dream and that I might wake up and then this will all be gone."

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