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I was apprehensive of facing the school day. I spent the rest of the weekend ashamed of my actions at Friday night's party. It didn't soften the blow when Maya revealed that Hudson was the one to take us home. I must have been extremely under the influence to allow him anywhere near me. I don't remember much of that night. I remember the pain of seeing Austin with Cynthia, looking at her the way he used to look at me. Holding her the way he used to hold me. It all became too much. He traded in four years like it was four minutes. Out with the old and in with the new. What a pretentious jerk. I find myself still missing him, hence the drunken escape - but I miss the old him. I miss the guy in freshman year that stuttered every time I was near him. The guy that waited an entire month just to hold my hand. I miss the guy that used to buy me a stuffed animal every time we went out on even the simplest of dates. That guy is as dead as our relationship. I tug my hoodie sleeve over my frosty fingers and waddle through the hallways. I decided to make a pitstop at my locker in hopes of wasting time. I avoid my reflection in the mirror attached to my inner locker and busy myself with organizing my books.

"So, Austin and I are going on a date after school." Cynthia's nasally voice speaks before her reflection appears in my mirror. She locks eyes with me and arches her eyebrows as if expecting me to make a scene in front of a wide audience.

"I'm not in the mood, Cynthia." I attempt to be apathetic.

"I just thought I'd ask you for advice." I clench my jaw and slam the locker with brute force causing a group of girls a few feet away to jump in surprise. I glance at the runway model before me and it's as if every comeback I had on the tip of my tongue got swallowed up by my insecurities. I brush past her and stalk off before anyone can see my tears, however, luck is never on my side. I unintentionally bump into Maya who just happened to be involved in a conversation with Hudson. Isn't that just great?

"Luna." She gasps as I feel my tears soaking my cheeks. "What's going on?"

"Cynthia came up to me bragging about her date with Austin after school." My voice cracks and I focus on steadying my breath.

"That's my cue to leave." Hudson mutters before hastily exiting the conversation.

Maya leads me to the nearest bathroom and hurriedly grabs tissues out of her bag. She gently dabs at my eyes allowing me to gather my thoughts. I feel utterly ridiculous crying over someone that I know isn't worth my tears, but sometimes pain just sneaks up on you. The betrayal and the broken promise of forever are like a gunshot to the heart, and Austin had perfect aim.

Maya places her hands on my shoulders and stares into my eyes with purpose.

"You're hurt and that's okay." She speaks as if trying to lull me to sleep. "But you need to accept that he was never the one. He never deserved you." She begins to dab my tear-soaked eyes again. "There are so many great guys out there - you'll find an upgrade."

I nod my head, finding her words hard to believe. What hurts the most is how replaceable I am. It's made me feel worthless, questioning my entire purpose. If Austin can toss me to the side, who's to say no one else will?


I am seething. I'm ready to combust. This is another example of how Austin Chambers never suffers the consequences. Everyone around him takes the fall while he sits comfortably on the top. I pat my leather jacket in hopes of finding my pack of cigarettes, mentally cursing as I remember I left them in my locker. The bell is going to ring soon but I don't mind missing a few minutes of class. It's not as if I'll miss much. I turn around and trek to my locker. I halt as jockstrap and his goons stand in the middle of the hallway. They either don't notice or don't care that they're blocking the way and everyone hangs to the side in hopes they'll move soon. I clench my fists and march up to them and it's as if they're forming a protective barrier for their leader.

"Move." I'm not in the mood for manners.

"What's the magic word?" Jockstrap taunts from behind his army of assholes.

"Move before I punch you." I tilt my head to the side with a plastic smile. "Please."

"I don't feel like that was genuine." Jockstrap rubs his chin. "Want to try again."

I take a deep breath and square my shoulders. With as much force as I can muster I charge through the wall of jocks like butter. I stand firm in front of Austin and even take a threatening step forward.

"Perhaps you should ask me nicely not to punch you in the face." I taunt.

"Hudson, not again." Luna enters the conversation. She wiggles past a few onlookers before coming to stand by my side. She avoids looking at jockstrap and places her hand on my arm. "Please just forget this."

I gaze into her pleading eyes. They're red and puffy from her emotional display earlier. I clench my jaw and turn to gaze at the cause for everyone's mess in life. The reason everyone is miserable. I gaze threateningly into his eyes.

"Until next time." I promise with a wink before pushing past, making sure to hit his shoulder. I stalked to my locker and hastily entered the combination. I grab the box of nicotine sticks and my lighter, not wasting time to light one. I clutch the lit cigarette between my lips as I venture out to the parking lot. I casually lean against the wall, my shoulders instantly dropping as I inhale and then exhale the mainstream smoke. I survey the area, looking at all the cars until my eyes land on one. A wicked idea runs through my brain and I can already feel my sinful desires take life. I approach the flamboyant Mercedes with a cunning smile. It's been a while since my dad and I have done work on a Mercedes but I'm up for the challenge. I guess it's a good thing I came with my dad's truck today.

"Good luck getting to your date with the snow queen today."


I managed to endure the suffering of the day. I only bumped into Austin and Cynthia one other time today. I'll call that a win. I clutch my history and physics textbooks against my chest mentally preparing myself for a night of torture. I enter the parking lot in hopes of beating the oncoming traffic jam that always takes place after school, however, no cars seem to have left yet. Roaring cackles flow through the air as a large group is gathered. Nothing good ever comes out of this. My curiosity gets the best of me as I trudge towards the group and move off to the side. I peer around the lanky figures and spot a familiar Mercedes hunched on a stand - all four tires missing. My eyes nearly fall out the socket at the sight, and a disturbed Austin gaping on in absolute shock. I scope the rest of the car, my eyes falling on the side mirror. A jockstrap is dangling on the mirror, gently moving side to side as the gentle breeze blows through it. I cover my mouth to suppress a giggle.

"I'm going to murder him." Austin's voice blares over the hushed murmurs. "He's dead."

He clutches his hair and tugs on the roots before kicking the air like a spoiled child. What makes the situation more humorous is Cynthia and her banshee-like scream.

"What about our date?" I snorted at their couple spat. I take one more look at the tireless vehicle before dawdling to my car. A piece of paper is wedged between the windshield wipers. My brows furrow as I open it to the words you're welcome sloppily scrawled in black marker. Who knew my day could be saved by the one and only Hudson Wilder?

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