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I always believed what Austin and I had was love. The kind of love that made everyone envious. The kind of love that gave people hope. I guess that was extremely naïve of me. Maybe what we did have was love, but ever since my rekindling with Hudson I've begun to question the extent of that love. Mine and Austin's love was out of comfort, almost a choice. However, this romance with Hudson is terrifying. Austin wounded me, but I've already given Hudson the power to shatter me. Relationships come with risks, but I can't help but believe Hudson is my greatest risk. Everyone enters our lives with the purpose to leave- one way or another. It's up to us to decide which are the ones worth missing. Hudson Wilder is worth missing. Missing him is exactly what I'll be doing when our paths make their inevitable divide.

I grasp my books tighter in a choke-hold as I dawdle through the hallways. I still have time to spare before the bell rings and arriving early to class is a definite no. Maya already texted me telling me she's going to be late today and I have yet to see Hudson. Hudson shows up in his own time. Whenever he feels like it.

The winter air smothers me as I venture outdoors in search of Hudson. I take cautious steps over the blanket of snow. If I were in the smoking section right now, I would fit right in with the incessant exhale of frigid air. I clutch my sweater tighter mentally cursing myself for not bringing anything warmer. I spotted Hudson in his natural habitat, firmly clutching a cigarette between his lips as he glanced at a piece of paper between his hands. It seems like a brochure. I eagerly hop towards him. The second he gazes up to lock eyes with me, he closes the brochure and tucks it in his back pocket. I furrow my brows but don't question it. Hudson always has secrets. He leans down to greet me with a kiss the second I reach him, but yanks away as if shocked.

"You're like kissing an icicle, Snow." He complains and hurriedly stomps out his cigarette before tugging off his leather jacket, draping it over my shoulders. He hurriedly rubs my arms as if starting a campfire.

"What if you get cold?" I question trying to remove his jacket, but he grips my shoulders.

"I'll be fine."

"You could get sick." I scold. I wince as I sound like an overbearing mother.

"How about this?" He grins. "If I feel cold I'll take the jacket back." I rolled my eyes knowing he would never. "Let's get inside." He wraps his arm around my shoulder and leads the way back inside.

"Do you have any plans for winter break?" Just two more days.

"Mainly just work in my dad's shop. I kind of have a special, top-secret project I'm working on."

"That sounds mysterious." I tease. "Do I ever get to see it?"

He bites back a smile. "I promise the second it's done, you will be the first to see it."

My heart swells with pride, honored I would be his first choice to see it. The bell eventually chimes and I groan. Hudson chuckles at my disinterest.

"I thought you liked school." He towers over me. "You always were a nerd."

I shove him, but he doesn't move an inch. "Don't be a jerk." I feign anger, but he sees right through me.

"Don't miss me too much, Snow." He bids goodbye with a cocky wink before walking in another direction. I furrow my brows.

"Hudson, your class is the other way." I call but he ignores me and wanders off around the corner.

*.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.*

I release an exasperated breath as I walk out of fifth-period Biology with Maya at my side. She eventually showed up in the second period saying she overslept and didn't feel like rushing. I was talking to her about her plans for winter break when a loud clunk reverberates through the hallway. We glance at each other before instantaneously running towards the noise. Everyone else in the vicinity had the same idea as a convergence of students gathered in the middle of the hallway. DejaVu. The sound of grunts and bodies slapping against steel lockers can only mean one thing. I push through the crowd, not at all surprised to find Hudson the star of the show. I am, however, surprised to find he isn't in a brawl with Austin. Instead, Shaun Wittaker. Hudson charges for the linebacker but I manage to intercept before further blows can be delivered.

We're At It Again ✔️Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang