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My boots crunched through the blanket of snow. The entire neighborhood is entrapped in white fleece. The winter air is like a ballerina as the frosty wind pirouettes around me. The trees have cried their last autumn tears as the naked branches are adorned with snow. The days have flown by as if the world was set on fast forward. February arrived with a vengeance and the looming day of graduation has swiftly approached. However, this day is the most dreaded day of the year. Valentine's Day. I'd never seen the appeal of this day, never understood what made this day more special than the rest. For me, it's just a regular Monday.

I enter the hallways through the open doors and immediately feel my eyes water from the overbearing red. From banners to posters, to practically everyone wearing an item of clothing that symbolizes love. How putrid. I tucked my hands in my pocket and confidently strutted through the hallways adorned in all black. I drew in a few looks. As if I'm the crazy one. I pay them no mind and look for Luna in this unstable jungle of romance. I brush past a pair of sophomores exchanging gifts and scoff. He got her a stuffed bear, how exciting. I get it is the thought that counts, but why is today the day he felt the need to get her something? I spot Luna with Maya over the sea of heads and navigate my way through. They welcome me with eager smiles but I'm not in the mood for happiness.

"Happy Valentine's day." Maya chirps with a smirk knowing how much I hate this cursed day.

I roll my eyes and sigh.

"Happy Valentine's day, I guess." I reluctantly reply. I scratch the back of my neck and cast my gaze around the room, but the incessant hearts and romance are overbearing.

"I'll let you two have a moment." She's too smug.

I awkwardly turn to Luna to find she's just as amused at my strange behavior. She reaches behind her back and extends a stuffed koala in my hand.

"I figured if I got you anything else you might just collapse." She giggles. "I kind of figured you'd hate this day. I have to admit, it's not my favorite either."

I gaze at the plush toy with shaky hands. I don't know why something as basic as this has got me riled up. I gaze at the girl before me as her pleased smile turns into a frown.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have." She speaks but I shake my head.

"Don't worry about it." I can feel the perspiration soaking the back of my neck. "I have to go." I exclaim and rush out the hallways with the silly koala still firmly clutched in my hand.


I haven't seen Hudson since the bear incident. I didn't know that something as simple as a cuddly toy would get him so worked up. Does he not like koalas? Does he hate Valentine's day that much?

"So, he just ran away?" Maya questions in confusion. "All because of a bear."

"I think I scared him off," I state as tears prickle my eyes. "Maybe he realized that committing is just not worth it to him." I placed my head in my hand and groaned. "This is Hudson we're talking about."

I anxiously dawdle towards the school parking lot, hugging Maya before going our separate ways. I officially hate Valentine's day. I gaze around at the happy couples, scoffing at how easy they have it. I notice Nelly Watson with her boyfriend, Wilson as he has his arms wrapped around her waist as they happily chatter away with their groups of friends. He has no issue with affection in public. My boyfriend runs away at the sight of a stuffed bear. I scoff and sulkily stomp to my car. A sloppily torn piece of paper is wedged between my windshield wipers. I place my textbooks in the back seat before grabbing the note.

We're At It Again ✔️Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz