Chapter Eight

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Waverly scuttled back toward the edge of the raft and almost toppled into the water then felt a light push from something behind that kept her from falling in. When she turned to look, there was nothing there but the water rippling as if a gentle wind had just blown over it.

"Careful, young one. This boat you have built is impressive but it is not so big that you should shuffle around carelessly." The stranger said with a light chuckle.

Waverly remembered the countless number of times HalfHyde had warned her about strangers - "Do not converse nor engage ye with strangers people ye never met. They be dangerous to ye since ye never known them before."

Waverly could have unsheathed her sword to defend herself or at least ignored the stranger even though he stood unavoidably close and was in total control of the raft. Instead, she felt a strange sense of calm and a strong conviction that this stranger was a friend and not foe.

But how has he come to be in my boat in the middle of the sea? Waverly thought.

"I do apologise for intruding on your journey but i could not help it. You were drifting the wrong way." The stranger said.

Waverly took time to study him despite there being nothing much to study. He was shrouded in a mysterious hooded cloak of black from his head to his feet so that noneof his physical features were visible but his voice sounded soothing enough to ease doubts. His tone was almost the same as Edsel's - kind and easygoing. But this stranger's voice had no edge to it. He sounded as one who truly wanted to help and the idea of this made her uneasy. It was hard to come across totally generous strangers that were not Pepinguild.

And also, Waverly noticed he had read her thoughts like Edsel which meant one thing - he was a god.

"Who are you, good sir?" She asked still.

The stranger rowed the raft with ease even in the disturbed state of the ocean. His oar looked as if were made from tree bark, and Waverly could spot fresh rings on the timber but these rings made a delicate pattern across the length of the oar like that of wind and waves.

"I am only but help in times of need. Although, i must say that you are a brave little girl, Ms Stump." The man said.

All while he spoke, his head remained focused on the open sea. Not once did he look in Waverly's direction.

"Why do you call me by that name? My name is. . ."

". . . Waverly, yes. I am aware what your name is." The stranger said.

His voice sounded playful and Waverly began to despise that it reminded her of Edsel. "You have no idea who you are yet, Ms Stump, but i am sure you will soon find out."

"Why? Why will you not tell me now instead?" Waverly asked.

The cut across her back stung so bad that tears threatened to stream down her eyes. The Cing had also cut her left arm before then and that injury showed no signs of healing. It looked purple and red and swollen. The skin around it was streaked with traces of dried blood. Waverly did not want to think what the wound on her back looked like. Her flesh was exposed to the blistering cold and the fact that she was without Judson made her want to kick and scream until she ran out of energy.

"That is not in my place, Ms Stump. I am here to simply guide your raft to the edge of the Gateway. I am surprised you have made it this far. You have only seven days left to take your leave." The stranger explained.

"Seven days? What happens if i do not take my leave in seven days?" Waverly did not know why she asked this but she felt assured that only more danger would await if she failed to leave within the said timespan.

The Moon Spawn #1 (Waverly Stump and The 7 Realms)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن