Chapter Eleven

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Waverly fell only for a short time because she suddenly found herself plunging into an icy cold ocean. All around her, the dark blue water was swarming with strange sea animals. They swam past completely oblivious of her presence. A school of colorful fish as tiny as fingers danced around her and disappeared from sight. A strange looking fish with a whiplike tail loomed directly above her then vanished into the deep as well. A flatfish having dull brown colouring with reddish-brown blotches rubbed against her feet as it swam past.

Waverly was so startled by it that she almost gasped. She was only seeing these creatures for the first time. She did not know what they were called but she admired them.

Feeling quite thankful there was no sight of a Mantin amongst the fish, she swam up to the surface and the waves bopped her about. Waverly soon spotted the long strip of land ahead that looked dreadfully familiar. It was the same island from her dreams. With a lot of reluctance and yet an incredible desire to be dry again, she began the long swim to land. When she finally came to the turf, her arms were weak and her body was heavy. She felt faint and very thirsty. It was ironic and painfully insulting that she had swam in water but could not have any to drink. Something tugged at her belt and when she looked down, it was Karya. It had somehow magically strapped itself to her belt even though she had been buried without it.

Waverly turned a full circle, trying to figure out how she came to be on the island. She thought could use some friendly company but Judson was still with Tunis, in Gahb Alde.

"A vital part of your journey will come that you must finish alone, young one. Do not fear."

Waverly recalled the stranger telling her on the raft.

Immediately, she felt very afraid. She was finally here. In the country she had dreamed of; where her mother was being held captive and where the stupendously large monster of darkness dwelled.

Waverly let out a shaky, freezing breath. The island was big, dominated by black trees and jagged looking mountains so high that their peaks were ultimately lost in the thickening clouds. The beach curved zigzaggedly and stretched as far as Waverly's eyes could follow. The forest was not as thick as the one in the In Between but Waverly feared that this island would harbour even deadlier monsters. The sky was pitch black and at certain unsuspecting times lightning would crack mercilessly across it casting a brief terrifying light over the trees.

Waverly felt weak in the knees. She was without any backup or supplies. She was barefoot and her clothes were soaking wet. The only thing she could appreciate was her sword and her full stomach but even that would not last and she knew it.

She readied herself to start walking but found she was still rooted to a spot. Despite the biting cold, she began to sweat. She walked over to a log and slumped down dejectedly.

"I am not sure i can do this, Pa." She sobbed into her hands.

Her shoulders trembled as she cried into her hands. The lingering cold of fear she felt combined with a searing heat of panic and settled heavily in the pit of her stomach. She lurched and threw up behind the log. She missed hearing her father's voice even though he would have utterly disapproved of her naive choices.

"It is okay to feel fear, child." Someone said.

Waverly whipped around and found a tall, naked woman in front of her. The woman was not entirely naked so to say; across her chest a cluster of beautiful leaves formed a small covering. From her waist below, the same cluster of leaves formed a magnificent, trailing skirt. As she walked, she attracted more leaves from the ground that attached themselves to the skirt enlarging it even more. Her skin was beautifully dark like the color of honey. Her brown hair was held up by grasses in a high ponytail. She walked with so much grace that Waverly felt unable to speak.

The Moon Spawn #1 (Waverly Stump and The 7 Realms)Where stories live. Discover now