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The beginning of the training with Joe the next morning was the same as the last days. Only the last strength exercise they left out, because something else was planned for it. Joe was to go into a pool full of water, which was in a separate room from the training room. The pool had a movable platform that could be lowered about 5 feet under water.

Elle went ahead and got everything ready in the room while Joe went to change. "Ok, I'm ready" Joe came into the room and Elle lingered briefly on his trained body. Not bad , she thought to herself before quickly taking her eyes off him.

"Alright, put this on..." she handed him one of the elastic bands they had done quite a bit of practice with. "...And stand on the surface already, please. Let's see how well you can move with the water resistance first. you know how it works. As soon as it hurts in the knee, you report. Don't jeopardize it, okay?" Elle gave him the same announcement as always while she checked the last few things and Joe just nodded, tightened the band around his calves and stood on the platform. The water was up to his ankles.

"You could have made it really nice and warm too" Joe complained about the water temperature as Elle slowly ran the platform lower until the water reached about his chest. It was extremely cold.

Elle raised her hands innocently. "I have nothing to do with the water temperature" she replied, standing next to the pool with the remote and Joe's file in hand. "Please start the exercise" she asked Joe.

Elle kept noting a few features about Joe's movements in the water as the difficulty of the exercise increased and Joe had to use more and more strength to move with the band around his calves.

When Elle seemed satisfied she had not only analyzed his movements but also caught herself checking out his body again and again, she eased the platform back out of the water. "Well done. You definitely have a chance of making it back to camp in time" she praised Joe, who exhaustedly tugged the tape off his calves and dropped into one of the chairs against the wall.

As always, Elle handed him a towel and water and made a note of the latest comments in the file. "No problems with the knee?" she asked. Joe shook his head. "Good" she muttered and continued to note things down. She really needed to write the report tonight when she got home.

When Joe caught his breath and stood up, Elle grinned at him. Somehow it was amusing how speechless he was when he was so exhausted. "Well, have you lost your tongue?" she asked, her grin growing even bigger.

Joe gave her a dirty look. "You're really freaking me out" he replied shaking his head and putting his hands on his hips, but he had to grin too. "I hope in a good way" she replied laughing, wondering to herself how flirty that sounded. Joe laughed too before looking at her. "In a very good way" he winked at her and Elle immediately turned around as she noticed the blush rising in her cheeks.

She cleared her throat before turning back to him. "I should get going, I have a lunch date with my colleagues and you should put on something dry" she smiled, hoping the blush in her cheeks was no longer so evident.

"are you eating in the canteen?" Joe asked curiously, perhaps they would see each other at lunch as he was about to meet Ja'Marr for lunch in the canteen.

But to his disappointment, Elle shook her head. "Because of Corona, only the players and coaches are allowed to eat in the cafeteria. We have to go to our conference room" she explained while shouldering her backpack. "ohhh, now it makes sense why the cafeteria is always so empty" Joe stated laughing. Elle nodded with a laugh.

"But I'll see you later. I'm in charge of massaging you and a J. Chase this afternoon" "oh, really? You're going to massage Ja'Marr and me?" Joe asked, surprised. Elle nodded. "Nice, I guess I'll see you later then" he bid her farewell with a grin.

Joe and Ja'Marr were already sitting on the gym couches when Elle, the lower part of her face obscured by a mask, her backpack hanging casually over one shoulder, entered the room. Joe bristled when he spotted her. Unlike this morning and the other days, her hair was not tied in the tight high braid, but lay open over her shoulder. Open hair looked extremely good on her and accentuated her light tan skin, he thought.

"Hey, you two" she greeted the two men before placing her backpack on the vacant couch next to them. "I need to grab a few things and I'll be right back with you" she excused herself and was out of the room as quickly as she had come in.

No sooner had she disappeared out the door than Ja'Marr nudged Joe on the shoulder. "Damn boy, she's the athletic trainer you've been working out with since Monday?" he stared toward the door Elle had just walked through. Joe nodded. "She's pretty cool, isn't she?" Joe asked, grinning.

"Cool? She's the bomb! That figure, the hair, her eyes, damn, I should get hurt if that's what it takes to see her every day" Ja'Marr sighed before patting Joe on the shoulder appreciatively. "You're a lucky man, Burrow."

Joe laughed. "First off, stop crushing on her bro, she's definitely out of your league and older than you..." "I don't hear any argument why I shouldn't" Ja'Marr grinned. "Unless you've already got your eye on her, then of course I'll let off" he added.

"You don't have to worry about that. I know how to conduct myself professionally in the workplace" "come on man, I've seen that grin between you guys. I bet there's a lot of sparks between you guys in recovery training. I mean, you have plenty of time alone in a big room" Ja'Marr winked at him.

Joe laughed. "You'd have to see her in training sometime! Merciless! She pushes me to my limits and she's not friendly about it either. In the first day she called me a cocky idiot!" he reported.

"That's out of context, because I had good reason to do that" surprised, Joe and Ja'Marr turned to the door where Elle was suddenly standing again and Joe could make out by her eyes that she was grinning under the mask. Nodding, Joe turned back to Ja'Marr. "True, she had really good reasons for doing that".

Ja'Marr looked back and forth between the two in confusion as Elle joined them and eyed Ja'Marr. "So you're the rookie, Ja'Marr Chase, the new number one" "the chosen one" Ja'Marr grinned at her and Elle laughed as his diamond studded teeth glinted in the light.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Eleanor Simmons, athletic trainer for three weeks. Most people here call me Simmons" she introduced herself to him. "It's an honor to meet you. Joe talks a lot about your training together"

"I hope only good things, I've only called him a cocky idiot once, I swear" Elle replied laughing and Ja'Marr got in on the act. "he only talks about you in the best way. You could almost say he raves about you".

Ja'Marr had to grin and couldn't decide whether he found more amusing the slap he got from Joe, who looked at him indignantly, or Elle's quick turn away that didn't hide the fact that she was blushing after all.

"So are we going to start the massages or not?" Joe asked, trying to get off the subject as quickly as possible. Elle cleared her throat before turning back to them. "Of course, right away" she replied.

Thanks again for 550 reads in such a short time!
Never expected to get so many support so fast!
I hope you like the new chapter 🥰


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