Blond Womanizer ch4

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"Princess Avenger the target is in sight..over tell why did we agree to these names again?" Sasuke groaned.

"This is sexy pinkette, stop crying about it Sasuke. You're just upset because Naruto-kun got to choose the names and you didn't..over." Sakura replied.

You wish you could be a godly blond don't you Sasuke-chan? Over." Naruto laughed.

"This is scarecrow, great teamwork guys, over." Kakashi voiced.

It's been a bit over a month since team 7 was formed. They were on another d-rank. This time it was the dreaded 'capture Tora' mission. Sasuke wasn't having the best time. Tora would scratch and hiss at him every time Sasuke tried to get close. It's been two times already where Tora already almost clawed Sasuke's eye out.

The Uchiha charged after the target. Tora just jumped over Sasuke then jumped onto of the boy's head. Tora began scratching all over Sasuke's face.

"Ow! Ow! You stupid cat! Fuck!" Sasuke cried in pain.

Kakashi, Naruto and Sakura were all laughing at Sasuke. It was always funny laughing at Sasuke's misery. Kakashi couldn't help but to join in on the laugh since Sasuke did annoy him sometimes. Always demanding he teach him a new jutsu.

Naruto walked up to the scratching cat. All he did was whistle and Tora stopped attacking Sasuke. Tora jumped into Naruto's arms and purred as Naruto pet him.

"Mission acccomplished. Let's go report back to the old man." Naruto said.

"Why the hell doesn't that demonic vermin attack you like it does to me?" Sasuke demanded to know.

Sakura rolled her eyes and smacked Sasuke in the back of his head. "Because Uchiha unlike you Naruto-kun is good at everything he do. He doesn't brood all day obsessing over revenge by himself like a virgin such as yourself." Sakura brutally told him.

Sasuke growled at Sakura. "I don't necessarily like anyone but you were more tolerable a month ago."

Sakura over the month has changed dramatically. Anko really turned her out. Now Sakura doesn't have any confidence issues. She's learned a lot from Anko. From how to poison or torture a man to how to please them sexually. Anko taught Sakura how to fight dirty in case she needed to. Sakura learned many things from Anko including her snake techniques. Sakura is now a summoner of the snake clan. She's even been to Ryuichi cave once. Kurenai also trained in genjustu. But both Kurenai and Anko showed her how to show off her body. Now she wore shinobi high heeled boots. With black leggings to show off her ass. Along with a strapless white top. Her pink hair was all the way down to her mid back but it was braided at the end. She no longer was subconscious about her forehead either. Naruto trained her by teaching her medical ninjutsu since Anko made her learn human anatomy. He made Ino and Hinata do the same before he taught them. Sakura increased her speed and chakra reserves. The pinkette could also enhance her strength more than she could before.

Sakura shrugged. "Like I give a damn. Now get moving you small dick virgin." She kicked Sasuke in the back.

Sasuke became even more annoyed. He didn't even say anything but just walked away.

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