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"Do where are we doing this?"
Mai asked.

"Outside, where the fuck do you think?"
Bakugou snapped.

"I meant where outside."
She responded snapping back.

"How about the fields?"
Sero suggested.
"Where we did the ball throw?"

Bakugou mumbled and started to head in a new direction.

Mai of course didn't know what "the ball throw" meant but decided not to ask.

"Mai! Do you want to change?"
Momo asked.

"No I'm fine, this won't take that long."

The rest of the class looked around nervously while Uraraka rolled her eyes at Mai's confidence.

She'd just faught Bakugou first hand, so if someone was going to win quickly it would definitely be Bakugou.

She frowned, never thinking that she would actually want Bakugou to win a fight until now.

Bakugou stopped and turned facing Mai.
"This circle is the bounds."
He said gesturing to a large circle painted on the ground.
"Once you get knocked out you're done."

She smiled.
"And if you get knocked out?"
She asked.

"That won't happen."
He got in a fighting stance.

"Ponytail! You count down!"
He yelled at Momo but kept his eyes on Mai.

"O-okay! Three... Two... One... Fight!"

Bakugou smirked,
ready to blow her back to hell.

But his smirk quickly faded when Mai disappeared.
He felt air pass him and turned to see where it was coming from.

The only thing he saw were two red eyes before something hit him in the back.
It was harder than anything had ever hit him before.

**Four seconds ago**

Momo shouted, and in a second Mai was gone.
She ran so fast the only way they could tell she didn't teleport was a slight wind and dust flying in a trail leading behind Bakugou where Mai was now standing.

Before Bakugou could fully turn she swiftly kicked Bakugou's back, causing him to fly almost twenty feet from the circle.
He hit the ground and rolled a little farther before stopping, staring at the sky dumbfounded.




Everyone screamed in shock.

Mai was standing calmly with her hands behind her back looking at something in the distance before turning around.

"I think I won."
She responded with a smirk, not addressing the fact that she just beat one of the best in their class in under four seconds.

"Y-y-you... Beat him..."
Uraraka whispered.

"In s-seconds..."
Midoriya finished.
His notebook was in his hand, but he didn't have time to take notes.
It ended too quickly.

"That's... Not- I- how?!"
Sero stuttered out.

"Welp I'm going to my dorm."
Mai said turning and walking away.

"Who else is starting to think Mai is a god compared to us?"
Denki whispered.

"I think she's a god period!"
Mina cried.

"Why didn't she participate in the sports festival then?"
Shoto questioned.

"Probably because she knew she would have destroyed us all..."
Kirishima said envious of her manly quirk.

Bakugou slowly stood up.
He quickly changed his shocked expression into a serious one.

"Maybe you should stop underestimating people Bakubro... I mean Midoriya and now Rika..."

He screamed at Denki stuffing his hands in his pockets.
"I-i let her win..."
He grumbled.

"How? She was too fast for you to "let her" do anything!"
Sero laughed.


They backed off quickly and watched as Bakugou walked away.

"Not if Mai protect's us..."
Sero whispered once Bakugou was
Out of ear-shot earning a snort from Kaminari and a laugh from Kirishima.


"Should we stop them?"
Aizawa asked Nezu.

Aizawa and the mouse-like principal had been walking down the halls together when they heard the students walking outside whispering about a fight.
Aizawa of course followed the excited students and was currently standing a small distance away with his furry friend.

"No, let her do this."
Nezu responded, smiling.
"I'm sure you've heard the students talking about how her place in the school is unfair, even her own class has had doubts especially since she didn't participate in the festival today."

Aizawa nodded.

"She needs a chance to prove just how strong she is, besides she's smart and won't hurt Young Bakugou to badly. She'll end it quick."
The mouse man mused, sipping from a teacup he always seemed to have.

The teachers watched as Mai indeed ended it within seconds.
And right after Bakugou was thrown from the circle she looked directly at Nezu and Aizawa.

She gave a respectful nod and looked back at the other students.

"She has Exceptional hearing as well."
The mouse said as he turned.

"I believe she will help Bakugou grow even if indirectly..."

Aizawa looked at the recently defeated teen.
"He'll definitely need it."

Nezu hummed in agreement as he walked back to his office, leaving Aizawa to watch his students.

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