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Kirishima had always loved musicals.
Especially corny highschool themed Disney ones from the early two thousands.
Like High School musical, lemonade mouth and camp rock.
But he had been relentlessly picked on about it in middle school until he lied and said he watched them ironically.

He didn't.
It was probably the least manly thing about him and a secret he trusted to Mai who didn't seem at all smug about knowing the information and even seemed confused about why he was embarrassed. Another reason why she was the most perfect person ever.

After waking up with Mai practically laying on top of him he compiled a list of movies he wanted her to watch along with a list of baby names and everyone he would invite to their wedding.
But of course he wouldn't say anything about those until the right moment came. Duh.
Luckily he woke up before everyone else did.
Unfortunately that meant he got exactly one and a half hours of sleep.

But if he was carful he could spare Mai and allow her a few more minutes.
He wrapped an arm around her and completely turned around positioning himself on top of her before pulling away and swiftly sliding her the stuffed Hawks on her bed to hug. She grumbled in a irritated way and gripped the stuffed hero
"Kiri it's cold."
She complained in her sleep.

His face lit up bright red not only because of the nickname, but because she was talking to him... In her sleep.
That had to be a good sign! Or maybe a bad one. He'd google it later. Kirishima grabbed the blanket that had fallen from the bed and pulled it over her.
She smiled in satisfaction and turned to face the wall, plushie in hand.

He quietly slipped his shoes back on and shuffled to her door.
When he peaked out the doorway he met eyes with another boy. Izuku Midoriya was a few doors down, sneaking out of Uraraka's dorm room. Both boys eyes went wide after being caught.

"It's not what it looks like-"
They both whispered simultaneously.
Kirishima was definitely not in the position to judge but he was definitely speculating about what him and Uraraka were doing.
Maybe they just so happened to be watching Highschool musical on the same night as Mai and Kirishima, or one of the other classic movies!
Kirishima glanced at Mai one last time before slowly shutting the door.

"So uh... We cool?"
He asked the freckled boy who nodded furiously in agreement. Kirishima walked past in desperate need to make it to the bathroom while Midoriya stayed in the hallway.
'Thats... That's Mai's room right?'
He asked himself.

The boy had been conflicted for awhile.
Mai was his friend and harmless but... There's no way someone can stay sane after that.
She seemed fine but maybe the teachers should have put her somewhere to focus on her mental health.
Sure she was going to therapy sessions with hound dog but was that enough?

Uraraka was worried that Mai was a ticking time bomb ready to go off and her fears were rubbing off on him. Uraraka got spooked anytime she saw Mai.
It made Midoriya feel like he had to choose a side and frankly.
Uraraka needed him.
She arrived at his dorm room a few nights ago crying about a nightmare and again tonight she texted him at one in the morning while having a panic attack because of how close Mai's dorm was to hers.

And as bad as he felt for her, It was nice being needed.


Mai skipped breakfast.
Or at least she tried, Bakugou kicked her door open with a half gallon of milk and a box of cereal in his arms. Kirishima followed with three bowls but ended up sleeping on Mai's floor, until she kicked them both out so she could change.
She peeked out her window to look at the droves of students heading to the main UA building, nervousness bubbling in her gut.

Yesterday Mai went down the back elevator through the temporarily abandoned art rooms and ended up jumping through a window in order to avoid people. Unfortunately going back in that way would be impossible unless she learned how to go through air vents backwards without making any sound.

So they moved in a triangle formation.
Bakugou in front growling at anyone that looked at them for too long and Kirishima in the back making conversation with Mai to distract her from her peers.

For the most part it worked, crowds at UA already parted for Bakugou all he had to to has walk with his hands stuffed in his pockets while releasing his scary vibes and a path cleared.
But that didn't stop people from noticing Mai.
The students that filled the halls whispered in shock and fear or took pictures and videos like she was some sort of celebrity.

Which she actually kinda was.
The internet hadn't stopped talking about her yet and UA students were ready to take videos for their tiktoks in attempts to go viral because of their affiliation with the school Mai just so happened to go to.

Bakugou held back the urges to destroy their phones and scream at them, but he simply decided to mention the fact that people in their schools were filming Mai without her permission.
UA did have rules against it since several students ended up getting famous quickly because of the nature of the school.

They made it to their classroom without problems. Except the recording and the occasional brave student screaming profanities only to be immediately out done by Bakugou.

Mai sat in her seat causing Uraraka to flee and like a chain reaction Midoriya walking in her direction to calm her down like the hero he was. Kirishima immediately noticed and avoided eye contact with the green haired boy.

The room was once again silent but Kirishima didn't care. He grabbed his chair and pulled it over to Mai.
"At what point did you fall asleep during the movie?"
She leaned forward casually with a slight yawn.
"Some time after Troy got his act together and got back with that girl."

He nodded.
"So like basically the end?"
He guessed as conversation around the room picked up.
"If you want after school we could watch the third one."
He offered with a smile.

"Watch what?"
Mina asked jumping on to Mai's desk.

"High School musical."
Mai replied looking up at the newcomer.

She looked at Kirishima.
"Highschool musical three actually."
He corrected. Mai responded with an eye roll as Mina gasped.
"I love highschool musical!!"
She squealed.

It was odd.
How they were acting like Mai was normal, just like before she comfortably sat there and listened Making the occasional comment and easily joined the conversation.
They weren't scared, eventually Kaminari and Sero came over making it to the classroom two minutes early which was actually surprising considering they were... Well them.

None of them treated her differently or even brought it up, though that conversation would be inevitable.
All it took was one person to break the silence and then the class split into groups.
Midoriya and Uraraka sat by Iida's desk, who occasionally looked over to Mai's group like he wanted to say something but didn't.

But overall, things weren't bad.
Hawks was right in the dumbest way possible.
The good ones understood.

Mai's lips turned up to something that might actually be considered a smile.

Btw I started a haikyuu story!
Check my profile if ur interested🤍


Da hawks plushie❤️

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Da hawks plushie❤️

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