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Mai was forced to spend the next few hours with the girls of 1a which wasn't nearly as horrible as she expected, though mentally draining.
And before Mai knew it she was once again sitting in their classroom talking about up coming internships.

Even though Mai didn't preform in the sports festival she still had three offers.
But she already had an idea on who they we're.
Endeavor, Hawks And Best jeanest
The few pro Heroes who knew about her past.
Though she liked Hawks as a brother-like figure she doubted she would actually learn much under his care, besides knowing the feathered man he likely also gave Tokoyami an offer simply because of the boy's... Well face.

As far as endeavor's offer goes her last interaction with the man was... Less than pleasant so the only agency that she had any interest in was Jeanest.
She didn't know much about the stoic man so except that he was a high ranking hero with a good reputation.

Unfortunately Next thing she had to do was pick her hero name.
Which was tricky.
The last cover name Mai had she hated more then she thought possible.
She didn't like the idea of having a title that didn't mean anything.

'Maybe I should just use my own name like Iida and Shoto...'
As she thought of the two boys she turned to look at them.

Shoto was his normal stoic self and Iida...
Well Mai had rarely interacted with the boy but they shared Midoriya as a common freind, so she easily noticed his obvious change in attitude.
Mai of course understood how he felt about his brother, but what scared her the most was how he was taking it.

Pain was a dangerous thing, it can lead down several roads.
Depression, Growth or revenge.
Iida seemed on the edge of the worst path.
Revenge is a temporary goal, once completed you are left discontent with little to no options on where to go next.

For a small time in your life you are blinded by rage and act rashly because of it and said actions could destroy ones future.
The end of Iida's time is coming close and Mai honestly hoped he would forget Revenge and grow though his experiences.
But time will tell won't it?

Mai shook her head and looked away.
Almost everyone had gone accept her, She had an idea for a name but the only problem was she wasn't even sure if it would be allowed or not.
But she might as well try anyway.
She walked up to the front of her class bracing herself for the reaction of her teacher.
She looked Midnight in the eye and showed her new hero name.

Midnight coughed slightly trying to mask her surprise, quickly breaking eye contact.


"Are you sure?"
Midnight inquired, she didn't disapprove of the name, this showed Mai was excepting her past and using her experiences to move forward and start a new life.
But was she ready for that already?

She was, looked at her teacher, determined as always.
Whether she liked it or not, that arena was part of her past.
You can move on and still accept your past, right?

She gave a simple nod.

Mai slowly stepped down and failed to pay attention to the rest of the names.
She left the room the moment she was dismissed and aimlessly walked the hallways during lunch.
She preferred to eat while alone and hated the cafeteria with a burning passion.
Absolutely nothing good came from that many people sitting in a room.

She stopped abruptly when her hearing picked up an odd sound coming from behind her.
For once in her life she couldn't place a sound.
It was very faint even with her inhanced hearing, and seemed to be coming from the wall.
Not exactly inside, but the solid wall itself.
Almost like the atoms inside were shifting and moving more than usual.

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