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"So you tried to kiss her... And she thought that you fell asleep?!"
Sero said tears in his eyes as he held back a laugh.
Denki was holding onto his shoulder hysterically laughing at how awful Kirishima was at how awkward Kirishima and Mai's experiences were.

"Don't laugh!"
Mina said hitting both of them in the head.
They were all congregated in Kirishima's den of manliness.
Accept Bakugou who didn't give a shit about what Kirishima had to say and opted to go to bed at 8:30 like always.
"It'll be okay! I'll talk you up to her if you want! Or if you don't!"
Mina said grinning at the thought of playing matchmaker.

"Wait! Don't like tell her or anything!"
He said trying not to shout, Mai wasn't in her room which was a few doors away from his, he made sure of that.
He knew that Mai's hearing was exceptional and he couldn't risk this conversation being over heard.

So he waited until Mai left.
She did that almost every Tuesday.
She left to go to the main school building at around eight and got back around nine, which now that he thought of it was kinda weird behavior.


Mai walked back to the dorms from her weekly therapy session with hound dog.

Since attending UA she's been visiting the doglike guidance counselor/Therapist and sitting as he forced her to tell him everything going on inside her brain so he could dissect it and tell her what's wrong with her head and how fucked up her brain was.
All over a plate of muffins and a cup of tea.

She groaned and rubbed her eyes, she always left these meetings tired.
Something about brainwork and trauma made her head feel numb.

But Mina didn't seem to concerned.
The moment Mai got back she was bombarded by her 'bestie' asking her random questions and talking about everything and nothing at the same time.

"Kirishima looks kinda cute today!"
She said looking over at the boy on the couch, who every so often would glance in their direction.
"You know I think he'd make a good boyfriend."
Mina continued sipping out of her strawberry soda.

Mai nodded, Kirishima was kind and would likely make a good romantic partner.
"I guess so."
Mai mumbled yawning.
"I'm gonna-"

"He has a nice body."
Mina said, again referencing their classmate.

Mai raised an eyebrow.
"Mina I have a question."
Mai said turning to her friend.

"Anything! You can ask or tell me anything you want!"
Mina said turning and she appeared to be really excited.

"Do you have feelings for Kirishima?"


Operation matchmaker
10+ new messages

Pink gremlin💞:
Abort mission

Lover boy❤️:

Wait why am I lover boy?!

a group chat?! Cool😎

Pink gremlin💞:
I talked you up and now Mai thinks I like you.

Love triangle?

Tape guy🧻:
Aren't you gay?

Pink gremlin💞:
Yeah, and I told her tht and now she's just confused

This isn't working

And no love triangle I Don't like him

Tape guy🧻:
Totally cool how ur willing to put aside ur feelings to help him and Mai get together🥺

Ur a good friend Mina👍

Pink gremlin💞:
Shut up! I'm gayyyyy

Yeah! gay for Kirishima😏

Tape guy🧻:
Yeah... not sure that's how that works buddy

Lover boy❤️:
Guys stop Mina is my friend.

Oof freindzoned

Pink gremlin💞:
I hate y'all


Life went about as normal for the next day as the matchmakers and lover boy tried to figure out the best course of action.
Telling her abruptly about his feelings wasn't out of the question, but might be premature.

While Mina or anyone else hyping him up might not only lead to confusion but also make her believe he was taken.

So on to plan B.
Kirishima taking every opportunity to be a gentleman.

He opened doors.
He threw away her trash.
He fetched her whatever drink she wanted.
All without her even asking or signaling she wanted him to do it.
And by the first annual Wednesday dorm movie night she had built up confusion about why he was being so nice.

The moment she sat down he claimed the spot next to her without hesitation.
"Hi! I got popcorn, want some?"
He said with a happy smile.
Mai nodded and slowly took a single piece of popcorn and placed it in her mouth watching the intro to the chosen movie.

They had a vote that Mai didn't participate in, considering the fact that the only movie she remembered watching as a kid was about a selfish princess with magical powers but bad social skills that abandons her responsibilities to live in a fancy house on a mountain that she built herself.
Only for her sister to come up and almost be killed by said magic powers.
And she couldn't even remember the name of it

The vote landed on a movie series based on a book series called "the hunger games" where the protagonist is forced to fight for her life in an arena.
Who would write a book like that?

Needless to say Mai did not enjoy the film, or the second one.
The third one was much more enjoyable for her though.
It was better to watch the fucked up society slowly crumble than watch children kill each other.

Until they met a character named Finnick.
His past made Mai come to a realization so sickening she had to leave.
"I uh- I gotta use the bathroom..."
She mumbled in a daze as the walked to the girls bathroom.

She made it to a stall and crumbled.

Twelve year old Mai asked wrapping her arms around her abdomen.
Though the situation was harsh and this was only the second time the girl had come face to face with the cruel "investor" Amaya Keiji
Mai's young face was completely void or emotion.

"As long as you're good... You'll never have to find out."

Tears of shock pricked Mai's eyes.
She never did think about it until now.

The reason behind her hysterectomy had always been something Mai didn't understand, she assumed it was so they didn't have to deal with her menstrual cycle but now.

Now the motive was all too clear.
Thanks to a fictional character in a movie she realized just one more horrible thing Keiji was willing to do to a child for money.

He was willing to sell her body.

Okay, I didn't think I would have to explain this but the comments definitely proved me wrong.

When I said "sell her body" I didn't mean selling her uterus...

I meant prostitution alright?

No he did not cut it out to sell it so they could have her hybrid babies or something like that. He cut it out so that she wouldn't get pregnant.

Do you guys understand now?

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