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"Time to head out kiddo."
Mic said putting a hand on Mai's shoulder.
She got up from her spot next to Midoriya and nodded.

"I'll see you later Midoriya."
She said simply.
"Get some rest."
She ended walking out, completely unaware that he wasn't actually going to get any rest.

The drive to the dorms was slow and quiet.
The only thing said was mic briefly asking if she had any injuries.
Which she didn't thanks to Alma, the mysterious paramedic that probably didn't actually exist.

After arriving at the dorms Mai and her teacher split ways.
She walked into her own dorm and stood there unsure about what she should be doing.
She sat and pulled out her phone that had almost no entertainment apps.
Mai didn't really understand how to work technology and she wasn't interested enough in it to try and figure it out.

So she turned off her phone and pressed the on button to the tv.
She then used her basic knowledge of the Machine to set it on a news network.

And for the next few minutes she watched a blonde news reporter named Rin Aoi talk about Bakugou's kidnapping until the scene changed to something live.
All might having a standoff with a big faceless villain.

The two charged at each other throwing impossible punches easily destroying the buildings around them.
Then a colorful clump of teenagers launched through the sky on an iceburg with Michael Jackson- or no... Bakugou following them.

(If ur confused look at the picture at the top... If ur still confused after that then ur stupid.)

Mai slapped her forehead.
She sighed and rubbed her stinging forehead.
'At least they didn't get caught...'

The fight between the villain and all might continued without delay as though the flying teenagers were just an unnoticed shooting star in the distant sky.
After several punches all might lost form.
Mai's eyes widened.
'Shit, don't stop... Please keep fighting.'
She begged the hero in her mind.

'He's human, all humans grow old and die, that's life. Of course there isn't anything special about him.'

She took it back in this moment.
There was something special about him and he couldn't die yet... He had to hold on because if he lost.
If he was killed.
The world would crumble.

So he had to keep fighting.
And he did, Mai watched in amazement as he summoned the last bit of his decaying quirk into his arm and used it to KO his opponent.


Mai and Mic packed up her remaining boxes.
Nezu desided that for the safety of the students they were going to implement a dorm system.
Which didn't make sense because other than the mall a week ago, the only time a student of class one A was attacked was when they were on a school field trip...

But Mai didn't really have a choice in the matter and decided against bringing the issue up with Nezu.
She and Mic packed up because they were going to demolish their dorm and build different ones on its grave.
And until the three days were up Mai was staying in the nurses office with recovery girl.
Which was okay because only a month ago she spent almost a week in there.

But once construction was done and the rooms were complete Mai was the first student to move her total of two boxes into her room.
The boxes filled with clothes, textbooks and basic hygiene products.
She walked out the door after finishing and saw her fellow students being lectured.
"-And if it weren't for all might's retirement I would have expelled everyone but Bakugou."
Aizawa stated.

Mai tilted her head
"Why would you expell me?"
She asked, as far as she knew she hadn't done anything wrong...
"I was just telling them that not reporting their fellow students for planning on rescuing Bakugou on their own deserved expulsion."
Aizawa glared

"Oh so everyone knew about that?"
She asked taking a moment to glare at Midoriya who shrunk back.
"Actually sir Mai didn't know... She left before our secret meeting."
He said honestly.
"And she probably would have told us not to do it-"

"Fine! Everyone but Mai and Bakugou! That better? Now I expected you all to be model students from here on out understand?"
Aizawa grumbled agravated with the interruption.
The students nodded mournfully.


Mai sat at her new desk trying and failing to understand chemistry when a knock sounded at her door.
She said standing up.
Mina poked her head in.

"Hey bestie! We were doing this contest thing to see who has the coolest room! Can we come in?"
She asked.
Mai sighed and sat back down.
"Sure but there isn't much in here."
She answered.
And soon enough her previously empty room was soon filled with her friends.

"There nothing in here?!"
Denki shouted looking through her Drawers.
"Where are the decorations?! The childhood knickknacks?! The-"

Mineta interrupted crawling to Mai's closet.
But he was quickly intersected by Sero and his tape.

"Yeah... No knickknacks or decorations, sorry to disappoint you guys."
Mai shrugged closing her book to hide her struggling grades.

"Are you a minimalist?"

"Did you lose a box or something?"

"Are you alright? Like mentally?"

"✨Let's visit my more fabulous room again and play some Yahtzee!✨"

Mai rolled her eyes.
"I just don't have a lot of... Things, that's all."
She explained frowning.
Was that weird?
She asked herself as her fellow students left slowly one by one all disappointed.

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