Chapter 2

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After making herself a cup of coffee she brought it to her lips but before she could taste the bitter liquid she called her life the oven timer went off.

Placing down the cups she walked into the kitchen and grabbed a pair of mittens before opening the oven door.

Careful she took out the hot croissants, and placed them on the tray so they could cool down.

She Looked around and most of the treats she had made would have cooled down by now and would be ready to be put out in the display section at the front counter.

The fresh smell of baked sweets would always bring her back to her childhood, sure she didn't want to give up baking but that was a passion she had begun as a child and she could never give it up.

Unlike the family recipes that she could say off by heart she had changed the recipe to her own style and they had been quite a hit as of the past week.

Taking them to the front she placed them down and filled the plates with treats and finally got to her cup of coffee.

Feeling the hot liquid touch her lips was something most people would say hurt but she was used to it.

She barely ever slept with the constant nightmares from the past, so she would be Lady Noir at night and Marinette a coffee shop owner in the day.

She chugged down the bitter liquid feeling slightly more awake with every sip.

A jiggle of the bell was heard, looking up she saw one of her usual customers that had been coming since the grand opening.

Tim Drake was his name, and he didn't normally come till around 8, never this early in the morning.

"Morning, you're here early" Marinette said curiously the guy nearly always came with books, and a huge bag of paper.

"Good morning, I was supposed to have a meeting cancelled just after I got there. I have nothing to do till lunch so why not come here to my dream place" he exclaimed.

Marinette looked at him confused and his dream place was a coffee shop.

"Your dreams of a coffee shop, why?" Marinette asked, making his usual order; it was always the same unless an extra shot of espresso to the already large amount.

"Well you get to spend the day around the smell of coffee after all coffee is life" he said with a smile.

This got a small smile on her face. She had always seen him as a friend or the closest thing she had to one.

"Now that is a fact" she said with a smile before placing down the fresh cup of coffee in front of him.

"Thanks, Mare I can call you that right?" he asked, taking a sip, she gave him a smile.

"Yeah sure, but why the sudden nickname?" she asked to refill her own cup.

"Cause we're friends unless you don't want to be, '' he said and she smiled.

But on the inside she was hesitant he was just being nice but she couldn't help but feel this way she didn't want Chloe or Lila to deal with.

She doubted that would happen. Tim seemed like an honest person, and a fellow insomniac and coffee addict just like her so she figured why not make a new friend.

"Yeah, I guess we are, want some cookies?, it's a new recipe and I need a taste tester" She said, placing a few cookies onto a plate.

"Yeah, the treats you make are always delicious," he said before grabbing one and taking  a bite.

Marinette watched for a second his face was blank as he nibbled on the biscuit and within seconds a huge grin broke out and he had finished the entire one and was biting into his second.

Le cafe du chat - TiminetteWhere stories live. Discover now