Chapter 7

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The two walked in an eerie silence till a certain vigilante cleared his throat, "so um what happened back there?" he asked, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly. "You don't have to tell me, or anything" he said quickly before she could answer.

"I was walking home, and I got pulled into an alley and was pinned against a wall with a knife to my throat" she said simply, for the looks of it the fact that she had just retold him exactly what had happened without the slightest fear was a shock to him.

"Are you ok? You're not hurt or anything are you?" he said looking down at her hand it had slightly changed in colour but she would be fine in a few days. All she would have to do was clean and wrap it.

"I'm fine, it's a small bruise, it'll be gone in a few days" she responded as she stopped at the street to check for cars, before crossing the street.

"Are you sure?" he asked again, she was one of his closest friends he didn't want to worry too much but he wasn't just going to forget it like it never happened.

"Absolutely, do you always worry this much?" she questioned him back. He looked towards her before answering. "Well most people are either scared in shock, some end up with PTSD and I want to make sure you're alright" he said and she gave him a small of reassurance. 

"Are you going to spend the rest of this trip questioning me" seh teased, "what no ma'am this isn't an interrogation trust it's the furthest thing from it, I am so sorry if I made you think-" he rambled on.

"Oh stop already I'm teasing, you're fine, names Marinette by the way" Marinette chuckled at his rambling, she had always thought she was the only one who did it.

Tim blushed under the mask, she didn't even know it was him and she didn't make it feel like he was two different people.

"We're here" Marinette said, stopping in front of an old building and by old, really really old, it was a few streets onto the dangerous side of Gotham, this place was far from safe.

From the looks of the building it was abandoned and hadn't been looked after properly in decades. "You live here?" he said worried this place was far from safe, it might as well be unlivable.

"Trust me, I know it looks bad, but the monthly rent is pretty good," she said, opening her bag and fumbling around for her keys.

Unknown to her that plagg was holding on to them purposely to stall for her coffee boy to talk longer.

"I... guess that good"' Red Robin said, taking a look around the building, "is it safe though?" he asked worriedly.

"Yeah I guess, I think it's Red Hood's turf so, I should be fine" she responded, finding her keys. It was Jason's turf, he could ask him to look put for her. He felt slightly better that one of his adopted siblings ruled the place.

Pushing her keys into the door and unlocking them, the door didn't budge and she knew it wouldn't, she wanted to reassure the guy she would be fine not worry him anymore so she made it look like she had just pushed it in.

Hoping he wouldn't notice she said goodbye turning back to the door, she watched as he turned unknown to her; he had just vanished onto a rooftop to watch her pull out the key and shove the old door open.

With that he watched it close, the building was far from safe, it didn't even have a working door.

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