Chapter 4

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The two spent the whole morning talking and laughing in between Marinette would serve people drinks and snacks. She even ended up letting Tim make his own coffee as he would have drowned a cup by the time she had just written down an order.

By the time noon came around Tim didn't want to head to WE he wanted to stay with Marinette and just talk about anything and everything.

That and getting to stay in a building that smelled like coffee was a dream come true no doubt about it.

Sadly he left the coffee shop with a huge cup of coffee in his hand along with a smile on his face.

Marinette's day carried on most of it was slow as students were in class and adults were behind desks working away from a storm.

So she had nothing to do but try out some new recipes she had found online.

An hour later

She had taken the recipes, changed most bits from the original, and made her own little dessert, it was a layer of cheesecake that had been crumbled, followed by a layer of cream with some berries to top it off.

It was simple and looked cute and tasted great.

She had taken the tray to the counter when she heard the bell from the door jingle, she looked up and found a very familiar coffee addict at the door

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She had taken the tray to the counter when she heard the bell from the door jingle, she looked up and found a very familiar coffee addict at the door.

"Shouldn't you be at a meeting or something?" Marinette asked Tim as he walked to the counter.

"I just got out of one, my assistant brought me coffee but it was basically boiling water. She forgot to actually make the coffee, so here I am. What are those?" he asked, pointing at the cheesecakes.

"Ok, first how do you forget to actually make the coffee, second is what I've been doing for the past hour, cheesecake in a cup, wanna taste?" She said, grabbing a spoon.

Oh and I nearly forgot happy Easter to everyone!!!

Oh and I nearly forgot happy Easter to everyone!!!

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Le cafe du chat - TiminetteWhere stories live. Discover now