Playtime 5

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"Ahhh" the squeal that came from Matsu was loud and full of surprise as Yuma sprayed light water from the hose over the surprised little boy.
Padding around the bare foot boy was happily giggling to the light sprays of water that were hitting him.

Matsu had two different personas, in front of Azusa and Ruki he was more reserved, quieter and shy but when he was with Yuma a whole different person came out he was very bubbly and giggly, smiling all the time. All three of them wanted for matsu to feel as comfortable around all of them as possible ,and they did always try and make him feel as free as possible and that he could be the same with all three of them however matsu did still only really feel comfortable around Yuma which surprised Ruki, seen as Yuma looked the scariest of the three of them, but then again Yuma was the one to find him and take care of him first.

Matsu was running round in circles getting sprayed by the dusting of water still only in Azusas shirt and a nappy. Yuma thought that being outside in the sun would be good for Matsu and it certainly  was entertaining to look at. Azusa was inside doing who knows what and Ruki was observing the two outside from the door with interest.
Ruki was entertained by the sight in front of him, his brother playing with a young child who seems to really like him.
Yuma at this point wasn't paying any attention to his garden focusing solely to Matsu's smiling face, the hose was set on a light spray so it wasn't soaking him entirely but enough to entertain the 2 year old.

Ruki decided to teleport outside and stood next to Yuma,
"He seems happy" he commented looking at the distracted child,
"yeah very different from when he woke up" Yuma gruffly answered acknowledging his brothers presence,
"It was bad?" Ruki asked showing slight concern.
"Your right with the attachment thing, he doesn't want to leave my side. It's sad" a frown pulled at Yuma's mouth making him look down slightly just imagining how scared Matsu would have been before he spotted him in the woods.
"It's probably because you found him alone, he probably thinks your going to leave and disappear like his parents must of" Ruki thought logistically as to why the boy was in up the woods at all.
"We'll he ain't gotta worry bout that" a loud squeal finished Yuma off and Matsu came running towards the two dusted in water.
"Havin fun bud?" Yuma asked a small smile returning on his face.
"Uuhuhh" Matsu nodded looking up to the two.
"Your going to need some new clothes aren't you?" Ruki said to the boy trying to appeal to him. Matsu nodded looking up to him playing with the ends of Azusa's shirt he was wearing.
"His clothes that you put in the wash earlier should be done soon ,I'll go and buy some more now, do you think we need anything else for Matsu?" Matsu at this point was again 'running' around the garden the older two keeping their eyes on him
"Ehhh just some baby stuff and toys I guess what do they actually need?"
"I'll see what they have when I get there" with that Ruki teleported away leaving Yuma and Matsu to each other's company.
"Hey Matsu you wanna help me?" Yuma asked crouching down to be closer to Matsu's height.
"Mmmmm help?" He asked tilting his head a tiny bit.
"Yeah it's a big job you think you'll be able to help me? Although it might be a job for a big boy instead" Those challenging words Yuma used purposely trying to engage the little one, Matsu nodded his head eagerly wanting to help and prove he was big enough to do so.
"Come over here then"
Yuma walked the small child over to one isle in his garden showcasing the plants bustling with life then sitting on the floor bringing Matsu down next to him.
"Now these plants ,under the dirt are potatoes, we have the job of digging them up, you think you can help me?"
"Yeah" and with that Matsu had his hands in the dirt rummaging found looking for something, he wasn't really paying much attention to what Yuma was saying before and tuned out when he said under the dirt. Matsu had no idea what he was looking for but he wanted to dig so he was enjoying himself.
Stumbling upon something Matsu pulled out the brown lumpy object ,looking at it with confusion.
"What dis?" He asked holding the potato up to Yuma furrowing his eyes and pouting slightly,
"that bud is a potato" Yuma answered mimicking the child's adorable expression.
"Tatoe?" Matsu repeated staring at the object in his hand in awe...
"Heh yeah a tatoe just what we were looking for, now put it in that basket next to you and look for another one okay?" Yuma said chuckling slightly at the boys pronunciation of the word potato.
"Okay" Matsu then went straight back to his hand being caked in the dirt looking for more 'tatoes'.

After about 40 minutes all the potatoes had been dug up and Matsu's arms where coated in soil, Yuma tried dusting as much dirt of Matsu as possible not wanting to give the child another bath in the same day.most of the dirt had washed off luckily for him.
"Come on bud let's get you cleaned up" before Yuma took Matsu inside he noticed the tiredness of the child and his inability to stand still properly without swaying side to side, deciding that he was too tired to walk safely back inside Yuma picked Matsu up and placed him on his neck.
"Hold on tight little one" Matsu did just that wrapping his tiny arms around Yuma's forehead layering his own head on top of yumas, Matsu's legs barely dangling from yumas shoulders as they were so short .creating a very cute scene for us readers to enjoy.
Yuma picked up the basket full of potatoes and walked back into the towering mansion.

15 march 2022
1039 words

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