-Oneshot- All Grown Up

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"Oi get up" yuma demanded storming into his little brothers messy room. It was late past when the brothers would normally gotten up for the day/night, this just leaving the youngest who would much prefer to lie in bed sleeping all day, ignoring everything.

"Mmmm noooo" the teenager whined throwing his duvet over his head trying to ignore his older brother and hide his way back into slumber.

"Stop being a whiny little shit and get up" yuma groaned out pulling the green duvet away from the boy underneath. Being a lot stronger than his little brother, yuma easily overpowered the boy revealing the now 17 year old Matsu.

Over the last 15 years Matsu has grown a lot. The once small, barely able to walk toddler had now grown into a lanky 6,1" brunette, this all coming from the merge of his and Yuma's DNA. Once he hit 14 he did shoot up in height, quickly surpassing almost all of his brothers, just leaving yuma slightly taller than him. His brown hair finishing just before his chin with loose delicate curls framing his now defined jaw line.
The now awoken Matsu was wearing his pyjamas which consisted of a large baggy white shirt and a pair of loose basketball shorts, these hanging off Matsus very lank, thin frame making the illusion of Matsu being far taller than he actually is.

"Fucking piss off and let me go back to sleep" the now teen groaned out throwing a pillow at the intruder ,then trying to get back to sleep.
"In hell am I letting your turn into a dam sloth, and what did I tell you about your fucking language" yuma yelled back to the teen, him also throwing the pillow back directly towards Matsus face. Quickly with his vampiric speed Matsu managed to catch the pillow chuckling slightly at his brothers hypocrisy.

"You're one to talk" Matsu laughed out placing the pillow beside him, back in its place. This sass causing yuma to lunge at the boy yelling out, "I'm gunna get you kid".

The two had then began play fighting all around Matsus room. The two bumping into things and rolling all over the floor, laughing half the time. These two play fighting was pretty common and this only ever made the pair closer, knowing how to get under the others skin causing a fight. Throughout the years yuma and Matsu stayed inseparable, getting even closer as he got older and sharing similar interests and tastes. The room Matsu was in was the room the two originally shared when he was young, in reality Matsu had stolen Yuma's room forcing the older vampire to move into the room next door. The room was quite messy, shelves and floor covered in stuff, all of Matsus brothers where slightly worried that Matsu had acquired some sort of hoarding disorder and had tried to get him to throw some things away, yet it never happened he always kept all of his stuff. The walls of Matsus room where littered with pictures, these mostly being with his brothers, however there many where Matsu was smiling with a certain auburn haired fedora wearing vampire.
Matsu and Laito were very good friends, and had grown very close throughout the years. He had also grown quite close with Subaru and Shu from the Sakamaki's, no matter how much his brothers disliked the idea of Matsu being friends with them. However from the three Laito would be classed as his best friend with the exceptions of his brothers. The two always went out together mostly shopping, this not helping Matsus hoarding issue.
The rest of the room was quite plain, bar a small section of his room that a canvas was propped up on an easel. Turns out Matsu has quite the talent for painting, his painting mainly consisting of abstract landscapes and flowers and sometimes still life pieces from around the mansion. These then being framed on walls all around the manor, with all of Matsus brothers amazed by his talent and ability to create such beautiful pieces. Other pieces were known to go to the Sakamaki mansion by request from one of the close ones to Matsu, matsu did quite like painting, he was known to get bored quickly so whatever he was painting had to be interesting for the boy to continue painting. If it wasn't an interesting subject then the painting would only get half complete then end up sitting in the attic forgotten whilst Matsu created new more interesting pieces. Some of Matsu's brothers did urge him to possibly go back and attempt to finish the pieces, however he was never very interest.
Laito did tend to request for Matsu to paint for him these then being framed around his family mansion, and many of them in his room. He would also request for some painting he knew his brothers may be interested in, this mainly being Subaru, after laito saw Matsu's painting of flowers he knew that his little brother would like them. After laito had given the paintings to Subaru, the albino was instantly pissed off and refused to put the paintings up in his room, however Laito had seen hours after the incident that both paintings where hung in Subarus room.

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