Cat and mouse....or well vampire and child 9

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A bright red light was shining on the floor Matsu quickly waddled over and tried to smack it but just before he could the light moved straight across the room.
"Nawww" the boy whined pouting chasing the now moved light. His light feet ,covered in anti slip sock, pitter pattering on the floor running across the room.

A giggling Kou was sat on the sofa crossed legged with a small red light in hand messing with the small boy he begged to look after for the day, Yuma reluctantly agreed since he had to go out and Ruki had told him to trust Kou a bit more so here's we are Kou babysitting Matsu, what could possibly go wrong?.
"You almost had it that time little neko ,you gotta be a little faster okay" Kou teased trying to hold the light as still as he could.
"Mmmaaa" the baby screamed out waddling over to where the light now is but once again Kou moved the ray of light causing the biggest pout to appear on Matsu's face.

"Awww now that's not a nice face little neko, come on I think you can catch it this time" Kou was thoroughly enjoying playing with the child and it would seem that Matsu was enjoying being around Kou too however he facially didn't show it he didn't really smile much to Kou but because he was a child he just went along with the older boy in the room.
Matsu deciding that crawling was going to be faster ,did the quickest crawl possible over to the light managing to smack it then starting giggling as he'd finally been able to catch the light.

"-giggle- catch youuu" Matsu squealed happily now seeing the red dot on top of his pale hand causing him to let out a confused baby grunt slapping his other hand on top of his first only to still see the red light.
Kou was trying his hardest to contain his giggles now, Matsu had his barely visible eyebrows furrowed and a massive pout spread across his lips frustrated with him not being able to catch the red dot.

"Hey little neko how about we play something else now" Kou said smiling evilly pulling something out of his pocket to be hid his back. He knew that a frustrated Matsu would turn into a sad Matsu causing a certain Yuma to beat up a very beautiful ,popular blond, and Kou wasn't risking that so he decided to change the game.

"Wut?" Matsu asked deadass still smacking the wall where the red light used to be only to see it gone, being quite bored with who he was left to play with wishing it was one of the others.

A bright yellow ball of yarn was pulled out from behind Kou's back instantly catching Matsus eyes making him instantly brighten up. The attention span of the tiny tot was a pure sight to see.
Matsu looked back towards Kou curiously eyes only leaving the yellow ball for seconds then looking straight back at it. Kou then threw the ball across the room, Matsu following it with his eyes.
"Can you go get that please for me little neko" Kou asked cheerfully wanting to engage the boy. The yarn had really struck a curious nerve within the tiny child and then Matsu waddled over to it and clutched it in his tiny hands.
"Now bring it back to me little one" Kou said wanting to play more with the child.

Matsu walked back over to Kou and lifted the yellow yarn ball above his head reaching up to the blond older boy that he wanted to help bring the ball back to him. This happened repeatedly and Matsu's faciel expressions back and more and more confused and concerned for why Kou kept throwing the ball and asking him to retrieve it.

Just as Kou was about to throw that yarn once again the door slammed open and the tall brunette was stood in the opening. Upon seeing what was going on in the front room Yuma became slightly annoyed.

"FOR THE LAST GOD DAMM TIME KOU MATSU IS NOT A CAT" Yuma yelled out looking the two storming over to take the boy out of his brothers reach into his own arms.Matsu was happily plopped in yumas arms giving the most dead ass face ever just wanting to be entertained more so that a red light and ball of yarn and in his mind the 'crazy man' (kou).

"You okay bud?" Yuma asked the small child, Matsu simply nodded in response slight babbles of baby talk came out as well as he turned away too look around the room being completely bored.
Matsu had been is this strange 'mood' most of the day and nobody really knew why. As entertaining and funny it was they all hope it would just go away tomorrow and all he needs is sleep.
"Did you at least miss me" Matsu turned back to face Yuma at this point and wrapped his tiny arms around yumas head cuddling it close to himself, the tiny boy then answered a loud "yes".

"How many times have you changed him?" Yuma asked noticing the slight smell from the boy, turning back to Kou.

"Changed him?" Kou asked not knowing what his brother was on about 'why would I need to change his clothes' Kou wondered not understanding what Yuma was on about.

"His nappy, how many times?" Yuma asked bluntly getting slightly annoyed somewhat already knowing what his brother was going to tell him.

'Nappy what?' Kou asked himself then asking Yuma"He's not potty trained?"

"He's 2 of course not, wait ARE YOU TELLING ME YOU HAVEN'T CHANGED HIM ALL DAY" Yuma yelled out being completely pissed of at Kou for neglecting such a basic task whilst he left Matsu in his care.

Matsu has already became accustomed with Yuma sometimes yelling but it was never towards him and so he didn't mind.
Kou was freaking out on the inside 'he's supposed to change the kid? Since when was this a thing'.
"Well you didn't remind me" Kou said firing back folding his arms across his chest.
"He's a literal baby he needs to be changed Christ" Yuma said loudly sneering at his older brother.
Yuma then quickly stormed out of the room straight to get the toddler changed which he desperately needed.

"Now that should be better. You feel better?" Yuma asked tossing the dirty nappy in the bin.
"Yes Yuma" he said simply still looking around at nothing.

"Right you need a nap" Yuma said after hearing the boys response deciding that enough was enough with the boys strange mood and something had to be done.
"But me no tiwed" Matsu said slightly returning to himself.

"We'll it's either you take a nap with me or go back to playing with Kou" Yuma optioned out knowing that the boy would much rather stay with him.

"I stay you" Matsu said clutching Yuma's shirt in his tiny hands not wanting the older male to leave him again. Matsu was still very attached to Yuma and always hated when he had to do things that Matsu couldn't tag along with.
Matsu still needed to be with Yuma to be able to sleep or else he would break out into hysterics and won't calm down unless Yuma is there. He's a very picky baby.

"Right up we go" Yuma said picking the boy back up once more walking into his room straight to his bed. Yuma was half led half sat on his bed bringing the baby to lay cuddled up on his chest.
"You comfortable bud?" Yuma asked softly ,stroking Matsu's hair lightly.
"Mmmm" Matsu whispered almost slightly nestling his tiny head into Yuma's shirt covered chest. The blanket had been pulled up to just being over Matsu's shoulders creating warmth for the boy. Even with Matsu saying he wasn't tired he sure was fallling asleep quickly.
"Have a nice sleep bud" and then nothing ,the boy was fast asleep his tiny snores just about reaching Yuma's ears causing a slight smile to turn on his face.

13th April 2022
1373 words

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