The baby boy 33

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As Karlheinz had originally entered the room he had seen the printing report of the DNA test. This then leading to Matsu's fate being sealed.
If they saw the positive test Matsu would be taken away ,and his adopted sons would be possibly up for criminal charges. He couldn't let that happen.

After Matsu had fallen to the floor dead, Karlheinz had used some of his learned magic throughout the years to change the printed report and temporarily change Matsu's blood. Knowing this couldn't be permanent he knew Matsu had to die. Managing to stage the body as having a heart attack Karlheinz quickly made a cloned duplicate of the boy taking up a lot of his energy. Picking up the original Matsu he placed a small kiss to the top of his head and used the rest of his power to teleport outside of the police station as far as he could get.

His powers only managed to get him a few miles away from the police station leading him to have to make his way to the mansion by foot, having the thundering rain lashing down on the two. He knew around about now the doctors would have found the clone and rang his children's home informing them of the news. He knew they would have done this as on the changed document it now said that Matsu wasn't biologically related to his biological parents. And Karlheinz wasn't able to contact his children to tell them what had actually happened.

Trudging through the muddy forrest Karlheinz had Matsu's body in his arms.
"It's ok dadas here, you'll be all better soon ok" Karlheinz reassured the boy in his arms with the reassurance however it was mainly grounding him instead.
Karlheinz hadn't stopped walking with the boy until a mansion was in sight.

-Mukami house-


Ruki had just received a call form that station informing him of Matsu's death.
They're classing it as a heart attack and that it must have happened short after the DNA was taken. The doctors confirmed that Matsu's blood 'wasn't' a match, so they were able to stop investigating the household for potential kidnapping and leave the lot alone.

Matsu's death, even though it had only been around 20 minutes , had suffocated the mansion. No sound was heard and each brother + Laito, Subaru and Shu had separated off to mourn by themselves. The others didn't pay much mind to the situation.

A single emotion couldn't describe the house hold it was so broken for them without Matsu.
With the dramatics of thunder and lightning the two main doors slammed open, the rain drenching the vampire and the child in his arms. All 4 brothers instantly teleported down after smelling the scent of a recently dead body. All four of their eyes wide in shock to realise where the smell has come from. 

"Whose blood?" Karlheinz demanded coldly not leaving room for question, he couldn't. Time was running out and he wasn't letting Matsu go completely, it wasn't his time.

"What?" Kou gasped out, in too much shock seeing his baby brothers cold body.

"Whose blood do you want in him? They may come looking for him again and we can't risk that. So whose?"

The four looked at each other for a few seconds, with Ruki tipping his head to Yuma's direction.
"If Matsu had the choice he'd pick him in a heartbeat, their is no other choice" Ruki explained pushing Yuma further forward, even with it hurting him deep down that Matsu wouldn't be his biological brother, but it was much better than not having Matsu at all.

"Follow me" Karlheinz said making his way to a large empty room Yuma in tow behind. 'You'll be ok soon Matsu'


"Uma?" A weak voice called out. Matsu had to force his eyes open, they were so heavy to the boy. His once stormy grey eyes had warmed into a light honey brown shade, mirroring his older brother's.

"Hi bud"Yuma said. A glowing smile taking control of his face. It had been several weeks since his DNA was merged with Matsu's, and he had been waiting right by Matsu's side ever since he was turned, along with the rest of his brothers.
The Sakamakis had left around a week ago taking Yui with them, however some of them did visit Matsu and see how he was coming along, them bringing Yui with them too.

Matsu's body has to adapt to the change leading him to go in his long sleep, and now he had finally fully awoken. Whilst he was asleep the new DNA had not only changed his eye colour ,but his hair too.his hair had lightened to a soft brown soon after he 'died', making him look quite alike to Yuma.

"Me huwt" Matsu weakly groaned out. Matsu was still led on his and Yuma's bed in a straight position. He was too weak to move any of his body even slightly. Surround him were his big brothers and his dada, all just waiting for him to wake up. Yuma sat next to the the boy and Kou sat at the end of the bed.

"Yes young man you'll ache for a while"

"Dada?" Matsu asked slowly turning his head to the voice, matsu couldn't remember much of what had happened at all and it was probably for best. The brothers wouldn't have wanted to have Matsu be scared of being taken ever again.

"Yes I'm here" Karlheinz said walking towards his youngest, starting to stroke his fluffy soft brown hair. Matsu responding very dazed to this just smiled at his dada very lazily.
"Me itch, it huwt" the poor boy complained out, his voice scratchy in desperate need for something.

"Where does it hurt?" Ruki asked out leaning towards his brother. Matsu slowly lifted his arm and pointed to his neck, this taking a lot of the poor baby's energy.

"He's thirsty" Karlheinz stated knowing from the past that Matsu needed blood now."He needs blood" he specified making sure his other sons understood

"I'll get him some" Ruki offered starting to walk out the room.

"Put it in a baby bottle, he's too weak to hold a cup" Karlheinz said knowing that Matsu's little body wouldn't be strong enough to lift a full cup by himself, much less him almost certainly going to spill it. Alongside that he knew Ruki went over kill and had bought everything possible when Matsu had first arrived.

"Uma?" Matsu weakly called out separating himself from the other conversation. Matsu had grabbed onto yumas hand and was just holding it whilst looking at everyone in the room. Matsu's grip was very weak.

"Yeah bud" Yuma responded stroking the boys hand soothingly.

"Ooo hewe (here)" Matsu stated to Yuma for no reason.
"Yes bud I'm here" Yuma reassured pushing his body closer to Matsu's still led body, putting a firmer grip on his little brother.

"I wove oooo" Matsu mumbled weakly becoming sleepy again.
"I love you too bud, we all do"Yuma said leading to Matsu having a cheeky grin cover his face.

"Matsu here" Ruki said positioning the nipple of the baby bottle towards Matsu.
"No wuki.... I big.. no baby" Matsu tried to argue pulling his face away from the bottle, wanting his big boy sippy cup.

"You're too weak little one. Just drink this for now and next time we'll have you back on your big boy cups" Karlheinz explained to the boy knowing that Matsu wouldn't argue against him.

"Pwomis?" Matsu always had to make promises so he know that his family would stick by their words.

"Promise, now drink up ok" and Matsu did. The blood did start to strengthen his little body, however the warmth of the blood started to make the little baby very sleepy, even after his two week sleep.

"It's ok bud have a nap. We'll be right here when you wake up" Yuma said smiling down at his baby brother, seeing Matsu eyes start to droop. Yuma pulled the blanket higher up on Matsu's body and as Matsu had given in and about to fall asleep he made sure the bottle was taken away. All 4 brothers and their father just smiled at the now baby vampire knowing that he's going to be with them forever. leaving one thought left in Matsu's mind,

'I wove my niisans'

Fin x

31st October 2022
1427 words
Happy late birthday my baby cinnamon roll Azusa
Happy halloween
And I hope you enjoyed this story :)

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