A little neko? 8

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Playing mindlessly Matsu was enjoying himself.
The brothers had baby/toddler proofed the whole front room making sure whatever Matsu was doing he was safe.
This was very effective when they all had important stuff to do or if what they were doing wasn't safe for Matsu he would have a place to be able to play unsupervised.
So here he was by himself dummy in his mouth and playing with some toys Ruki bought him content with himself in the moment mainly playing with a wooden train and train track.
Yuma had to keep popping in to give Matsu the reassurance he needs that Yuma wasn't leaving him.

"BROTHERS IM HOMEEEEEEEE" a loud high pitched yell called out.
The yell startled Matsu and caused him stop what he was doing and pulled the toy train into his chest fearing that it will be taken from him.

"Brothers?" The voice said again, Matsu was very scared now Yuma wasn't with him and neither were the other two.
A blond haired head popped through the door,

"Brothers your in....here?" The blond said noticing the light on ,looking to see the room empty with the exception of a small child. 

"Huh?, who are you?, why are you here?" Matsu sunk back into himself trying to make himself as small as possible whilst still sat upright. The blond male noticed this and started to panic, "no don't be scared, my names Kou , Kou Mukami what's your name?" Kou said trying to not scare the boy anymore putting his other questions aside.

"...Matsu" Matsu said extremely quiet still cuddling into the train.

"That's a nice name" Kou said moving in the room slightly and sitting down to be closer to his height.

"T-thankyou Yuma give it me" Matsu said broken up felling brave enough to look up at the new boy.

"Yuma-kun?" Kou whispered to himself, 'so they know he's here'.
"We'll that was nice of him, do you know where he is?" Matsu shook his head stiffly which Kou took instant notice of.

"now what have you got there?" Kou asked trying to ease the child up.
"A twain" Matsu said pulling it out slightly from his chest.
"It's a very nice train"
"...yeah w-wuki? Give it me" Matsu said trying to remember Ruki's name.
"Ruki Huh, well it's very cool, would you mind if I played with you little neko?" Kou asked thinking he was adorable.

"Play?" Matsu asked loosening up a bit.

"Yeah we can play together, right?"

"Mmmm" Matsu hummed very hesitant handing Kou his least favourite train not trusting him with one of his favourites.

"-giggle- thank you little neko your so kind" Matsu's eyes widened at Kou's words then went back to driving the train round and building more wooden tracks. Looking up he sees Kou very interest in what he was doing so the boy started to dismantle his current track and start giving Kou some of the pieces.

"We build twak"

"You want me to help you build a track?" Kou asked happy that the boy was including him.

"Mmhmm" Matsu nodded starting his end of the track.

"So cute" Matsu went red with Kou saying that.

"Hey Matsu you oka-" yumas recognisable voice called out entering the room where he knows Matsu is.

"Yumaaa" Matsu called out

"Oh Yuma-Kun hiiiiiii" Kou chipped out turning to face his younger brother.

"Why you back so early, you ain't supposed to be back till end of the week" Yuma said before going over to Matsu and pulling him up into his arms, Matsu happily accepted being held and cuddled into Yuma's side.

"Yeah last show got cancelled so I came home early but it would seem that I have already been replaced" Kou explained with a pout still sat on the floor.

"Tch stop being dramatic, you okay bud? I see you met Kou" Yuma asked the little boy.

"Mmmhmmm" Matsu replied looking up at Yuma nodding his head slowly.
"Yeah me and little neko were playing together and he already loves me"Kou said still being a drama queen

"Do you love him bud" Yuma asked Matsu smirking already knowing the answer. Matsu shook his head no slowly causing a "awwwww" to come from Kou along with a pout and a chuckle to come from Yuma knowing that he was right.

"Kou your back" Ruki stated coming into the room after seeing one of the limos back, the one that Kou took.

"Ruki-Kuhn Azusa-kun hiiiiii" Kou said happily standing up.

"I se you've met Matsu already"

"Yeah, is he our new brother or something?" Kou asked not knowing the situation smiling brightly to the little boy.

Ruki and Azusa looked towards Yuma indicating that it was his call
"Um well, I mean I guess"

"We'll bring this up to father, he wants us to visit him soon we'll take him along then" Ruki said knowing that it would be a bad idea to his this from him.

"So father doesn't know about him?" Kou asked surprised,


"I...think..he.might...now" Azusa said
The three other instantly looked to the youngest of the brothers only to see him looking out the window. Following his gaze the three see a bat watching them, this bat knowingly being of of their fathers familiars.
Matsu being Matsu he didn't want to be left out and also looked at what they were looking at seeing eyes Matsu raised his chubby hand and waved slightly unsure of what it is.

"Yuma What dat?" Matsu asked pointing to the creature.
"It's a bat bud , now I think you need to be changed you've been in the same nappy since this morning no way you haven't gone in it" Yuma just really wanted Matsu to get out of the room.

27th march 2022
977 words

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