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The next day at school (F/N) and I met at her locker like always. She smiled as well as I in return but I could tell, that smile wasn't her usual one. "What happened?" I asked as I leaned against another locker next to her's. "What do you mean?" She asked giggling, as if that giggle will hide her pain.

"Tell me!" I demanded as I slammed her locker door almost hitting her thin fingers. She looked scared starring at her fingers. Her eyes became soft and watery. "Sorry. I didn't-" "No. It's okay. I'll tell you." She said heading to our first class downstairs.

"Yesterday. My...My brother, he...uh-he..." (F/N) was shuttering through her words. I know what she meant if she says "brother". (F/N) has an older brother-who is 23 year olds- and he uses drugs, alcohol, and he abuses (F/N).

Their parents died in a car accident on his nineteenth birthday, which means she was around 14 years old. She wasn't the sad 'emo' type she is now. She would call herself a 'scene' back then. Her type of music was all over the place from classical to hardcore. She would wear colorful clothes or wear a hoodie.

When they passed away, everything changed. She become more depressed and tried to commit suicide. Her brother became the dumbass he is now and he was old enough to take care of (F/N) on his own. Now each time she is sad my first conclusion goes to that jackass.

I never told my mom their parents died because she would think they are kids from the streets and a bad influences. She doesn't like meeting my friends, she's not a socializing person so it's okay for now.

"He abused you, didn't he?" I glared at her feeling my blood boiled. Her watery eyes became dreary. Her eyes, nose, and cheek were pink as a rose. She slowly nodded and fell to the ground. I picked her up and we hugged in the middle of the hallways. "I'll take care of this."

"No! Please don't. He promised that if I didn't say anything he'll take me to warped tour!" She smiled. I looked at her face with disbelief and confusion.

What's a warped tour?

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