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"You need jewelry, that necklace isn't enough. Here...wear all these." (F/n) told me handing all her bracelets. I knew all the bands and recognized all of the ones that had lyrics on them. I would buy bracelets and my own band merch but, one I'm broke and second, mom's religious.

I put her bracelets on and it felt more like me, in a way. (F/n) smiled looking at me. "I'm proud you know? I always wanting a friend like me." She giggled. I smiled at how happy she is. Since yesterday, I haven't seen (f/n) this happy, last time she giggled was the day right before her parents passed. They meant the world to her, she hated them when they passed away, she thought they killed themselves so they wouldn't see her die first. It took her a long time so she would see the reality.

"Can we go now?" I asked her and she nodded. We went to my car and headed to the mall. (F/n) was hyper and smiling, "I can't believe I'm going to be next to Andy Biersack! Can you believe this, I can't. You're so lucky! Aghh~" she started making new more weird until we reached hot topics.

My stomach started having an explosion of butterflies and my paws started to sweat of being nervous. I sighed and looked beside me seeing my friend have a grin from ear to ear. I looked at the sign above and then inside. When my eyes looked inside the store I saw a tall figured putting out a phone up high, probably taking a picture and turning to his left ducking his head down, and up again so I would see it. "Do you th-" I began facing where (f/n) was standing but she wasn't there.

That must be Andy and (f/n) taking a picture. I thought to myself as I walked towards them in the back of the store. "(y/n)! Come take a picture with us!" She said excited. "You must be the girl who lost her phone, huh?" Andy said with his extremely deep voice. I nodded and more butterflies were in my stomach. He reached in his back pocket and smirked.

"What if we make a deal." He said and got out my phone. "If I give back your phone... you need to go out with me on one date." He explained. I stood there shock. I have gone out with some guys back at school, mostly sporty ones. I don't know how I got that lucky to even have one in the first place. What is there in me that boys like?

Since I became friends with (f/n) I was known as an outsider and no one wanted to talk to me, but before that mostly everyone knew me. I was open with the multiple friends I had and some I still have, but when I met her it was my responsibility to look after her. Last time a had a boyfriend had to be, last year. He was a tall shy soccer player. It was cute seeing him play, he would always bite his bottom lip when he tried to focus on the ball. We broke up after a slut was making out with him at practice. He tried to explain that she forced him and I didn't believe him, he uh...killed himself. I still have his suicide note.

I came back to reality and (f/n) had a frown. "What?" I asked her.

"Yes or yes?" She asked.

"Where's me option for saying no?"

"What if I don't give you one?"

"What if I say no?"

"What if you don't have your phone?" Andy asked.

I bite the inside of my cheek and thought. What the hell? What is there to think of? If Andy is asking you on a date of course I'll need to say yes! Let me just look like I'm thinking so I don't sound weird saying a straight up yes. After a couple minutes I finally spoke up. "Hmm...sure why not?" I shrugged but deep inside me, I was screaming yes and the butterflies wouldn't leave me alone, my stomach started to hurt.

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A/N- HEY! So we are in 2.3k reads and one, thank you! Second I was thinking of doing this for 3k but then that would be hard so let's start early. I'm going to start shutouts with follow spread.

I'll only give out shout outs and follows if you



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Something that I know you're reading this book.

First shout out goes to ...... candy929 !!!!

She's my best friend and if it wasn't for her, this book wouldn't exist.

Hopefully you guys liked this chapter! Bye

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