We Won!

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Guys we won first place!

Thank you for everyone who voted and all my readers who have read through this whole book. I never imagined I'll win first place. I entered for fun and I was surprised I got first place, or any place.

This book has helped me let all my inner deep thoughts into a fictional story. I have read all your comments about (f/n). "(F/n) is me" "I hate using my friend name" "I convinced my friend to listen to bvb. Not the other way around" I know. (F/n) in this story is based on a true friend I had years ago before she lost in the act of suicide, I don't talk about her to anyone but I thought she would fit in this story. Im also (f/n) who tells my friends to listen to my bands and I talk about them to my friends so they like them. But also with commit suicide and self harminh. I started writing this book because another friend that I have luckily told me to try writing a Andy fanfic. It was meant for only her to read. Never did I thought 40k other people will join. Thank you all so much.

Stay strong. Love yourself. Know someone loves you and is waiting for you. If you need a shoulder or let all your feelings out to someone else you can pm me and I'll try to help and support you and just be someone who will care to keep you alive. I care a shit load when people what to end their life, considering I'm one.

I'm thinking of doing a q&a for me, so you guys can learn more about muke_phan. Ask me question in the comments or pm me. Either way I'll answer them in the next chapter.

Bye lovies. Thank you and I love you guys. :D

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