Chapter 2

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"Hey, Quinn, your beer." Aya use his mouth to point out the glass of beer in front of me that I haven't touched yet.

"Later," I answered and smile awkwardly at her.

We are at the club celebrating Aya's birthday. Aya invited me and her team, urge me to come with them, and join the celebration. I can't say no, as I don't have any reason to say no to them. Tomorrow is Sunday at I have no work. Besides, Aya is a good friend of mine.

I met Aya when I tried to apply as a secretary in the company. She is also applying as an office staff in the company. We both get hired on the same they. We also get our requirements together. Aya is a big help to me since I'm a new boy in the city. I don't where to go to get all the requirements needed. She offers me help and I say yes immediately coz I badly need help. We still keep in touch with each other even though we are busy with different tasks.

I seriously looked at the glass full of beer. I scratch my head while I'm trying to figure out how I'm going to consume the beer. The glass is tall and huge. Two bottles of beer were used up just to fill this glass. I'm not good when it comes to any alcoholic drink. Even with wine, I get drunk. I have a very low alcohol tolerance and saying yes to Aya a while ago is a big mistake of mine.

I heave out a deep sigh. I can think of two ways to end this. First I will drink the contents of the glass and I will surely end up drinking. Lucky me if they will carry me way back home like Aya's companions promised me. Not that I don't trust them, but when this celebration finishes, all of us are drunk or tipsy and all we want to do is go home immediately and sleep comfortably in our bed. They might forget me or maybe they will bring me to Aya's apartment and the worst is they just leave me in a hotel. They don't know where I live after all.

The other way I am thinking is to throw the contents of the glass in the car and then I will pretend that I am drunk. But the question is how? How do I do that? We are in a VIP room and if I want to go to the comfort room, I need to pass them. Carrying the glass will make them suspicious of course.

I scratched my head. Why did I say yes to what Aya wanted? I can buy her a gift after all, but I agreed to drink at least one glass of beer as a gift to her. And now, here I am thinking about how can I get through all this without getting drunk. Also, I never expect the glass will be this tall and huge.

"Just drink Quinn. You're not going to die." Lori, one of Aya's teammates, said.

I smile at her. I'm not going to die, I'm going to get drunk.

I picked the glass and sniff it. I winced at the smell of him. I hate the smell.

I heave another sigh. I think I need to choose the first option I am thinking of. There is no way I can get out of this VIP room carrying this glass. They will surely ask me where I am going with the glass. If I come back empty, they will surely know that I throw it away in the sink. Also, I'm not good at acting.

I hold my nose and drink the beer. I hate the taste but I put up with it until it's all over. I drank it all. Bottoms up. After that, I eat a lot of pizza to get rid of the bitterness in my mouth.

"What the fuck, Quinn!" Aya exclaimed. She sat beside me and hit my arm.

I just look at him. I smile. I am seeing two Aya and she's spinning. "Happy birthday friend."

I woke up because of my headache. It's like being torn apart by pain. I tried to sit down on the bed, but I can't. There's already something in my tyan. My hip and butthole also hurt.

I open my eyes, I tried to adjust my sight to the sunlight. I checked around. I will no longer ask myself where I am because obviously, I am in a hotel.

I looked at what was sitting on my stomach. I was shocked to see an arm of a human. And when I look beside me, I saw my boss, Magnus Lionel peacefully sleeping. He is topless and his lower body is just covered with a blanket.

All my headaches seemed to fly away. I can't move. Slowly, I move my eyes to my body to check. I move the blanket up to carefully check. I am wearing nothing. I look for my clothes and saw them scattered on the floor.

"What the hell happened?" I asked myself.

I slowly and carefully went down the bed. I picked up my clothes and wear them. I am trembling. Luckily I manage to wear my clothes properly. I grab my bag and step out of the room.

I don't know how I got home to the apartment where I live. All I know is I am trembling with fear. Memories flood my head making my fear grow stronger.

I got drunk. Of course, I did. Who doesn't? With the size of that glass, I would get drunk. I did a lot of things. I sing even though I'm not in tune. I dance even though I have the same left foot. I invited them to the dance floor and they come with me, especially Aya. We dance all night. When they got tired, they went back to the VIP room we were using, but I didn't return with them because I aaw our boss, drinking  alone on another corner of the bar.

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