Chapter 6

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Gloomy clouds filled the sky. Cold air blowing gently. Few people are in the street. They hurried every step to get to their destination immediately before the rain began to fall.

I heaved a deep sigh. I'm planning to go to grocery to buy ingredients. I plan to bake pastries and bread and sell it to our neighbors and even to Yul's father's company. Of course, Aya will sell. I have no intention of showing up there.

Even if I got an online job with a good salary, I still need to have extra income. I need to start saving for Yul. I want to give him a comfortable life. A kind of life that I never experienced before. My plan is that before Yul starts school, we will have our own house. It’s too expensive to rent. Of course, I also don't know when Aya will get married and start building a family. It's not possible to have Aya stay with us forever or depend on Aya for the rest of our lives. She has her own life. It's also not good to be with her. She is always mistaken for Yul's mom. If he doesn't care about that, I do. She's single. No one flirts with him because of Yul and me. I feel guilty.

A loud booming sound if thunder followed by sharp lightning surprise me. I immediately close the curtain of the window.


I was startled by Yul's scream. I immediately ran to our room and hugged him.

"Mama is here...sshh!" I rob his back. Yul and I are both afraid of thunder and lightning. If it wasn't for Yul, I would probably still be in my seat shaking with fear.

"Mama, Yul is scwared. Bombom is scwary"

"Shh. Let's covered your ears okay."

"Mama should look for new papa to kill bombom."

I don’t know how I’m going to react. How was he able to insert that even though he was scared?

I just didn't speak. I cover his ears. I also close my eyes, trying to concentrate so I can't hear the thunder. Though it's impossible, I have to. Yul needs me. Why is it that with the thing he can get from me, why it has to be this?

After 30 minutes, the thunder and lightning stopped, but not the rain. Yul also fall asleep again. I gently laid him on the bed. I put a blanket on him.

I heaved a deep sigh. I stare at Yul and start thinking things. If then I was afraid to tell Magnus about Yul, now, I can no longer cope with that fear. It cannot be denied that he is the son of Magnus. They are very much alike. My only fear is that Magnus might take him from me and deprive me of his rights.

If Magnus doesn't do that, I'll swallow all the pride and ego I have to give in to Yul's wishes.

I step down the bed. I peeked out the window. My mind is floating somewhere. I can not think properly. Why does Yul have to mention that. I mean, am I not good enough yet? He has a happy family right?

I check on Yul again before I leave his room. When I went downstairs, I caught up with Aya in the living room wiping her wet hair.

"Are you alright?" Aya asked worriedly.


"How about Yul?"

"She's already asleep. I hope that was the last thunder and lightning today."

"Are you going somewhere?" Aya pointed me from head to toe. I look at myself then I realize that I did not change a house clothes. Earlier when Yul fell asleep and I changed my clothes so that when Aya came I would leave immediately.

"I was going to go shopping. Is it still raining heavily?"

"Not anymore. Use my car so you don't get in trouble."

"Thank you."

My mind is confused. I have to unwind first, so even if it's raining, I'll just go grocery shopping. Maybe my brain will calm down and I can think clearly.

Lots of people in the mall even on Thursday. It's raining and it seems like most of the people in the mall are just waiting for the rain to stop before going home or somewhere else.

I didn’t go straight to the supermarket first. I roam around the department store, looking for something for Yul. I want to buy him educational book or pairs of pajamas. His weight increased. Most of his sleep wear are either too fit to him or shortened. Not to mention that he has the been eating a lot these past months and it is very visible in his body.

There weren't many people in the kids section so I was at ease to buy pajamas for Yul. He loves blue color so almost everything I chose is a shade of blue. I paid for what I chose at the counter and decided to go grocery shopping. Yul will wake up soon. He will definitely bothered Aya with food. There are no more cereals in the house. If I can't go home right away, they will both end up eating noodles for snacks, which happened to be Yul's favorite, but I don't want him to eat noodles because he already had noodles last Monday. His UTI might appear again. I don’t want that to happened.

I first left the paper bag I bought at the department store at the package counter before I entered the supermarket. I grab a pushcart and start looking for the things I need.

There are not that many people in the supermarket which is unusual. There are always as many shoppers at this time. Maybe it's because it's raining so no one wants to go out of their house to shop. Well, that’s in my favor.

I don't hate crowds, I just don't want a lot of people shopping because it's hard to choose the ones you need to buy. You can't just intrude on others. The others are like deaf people. Even if you said excuse me, they will ignore you. Then when you take something on the counter and somehow bothered them, they are still angry and tell you that you don't even know how to said excuse me, even if in the first place they ignore it no matter how loud you say it. The length of the queue at the counter is also long. The long que will take all your time.

I continue roaming around the supermarket, picking things I need and Yul's favorite snacks. I'm in the flour section that I accidentally caught when someone stands beside me and reaches for the pack of flour I'm reaching for.

"How are you, Quinn? It's been a while."

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