Chapter 15

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WARNING: NO PROOFREAD. Just done my work shift and yeah, I was like floating somewhere. Hahahaha enjoy reading.

P.s Happy birthday khunPhi_YaiNong


"Are you kidding me?" I asked Magnus annoyed.

"Do I look like I'm fooling you?" Magnus threw back the question on me.

"Look, Magnus. If you don't want to tell me what you know, then don't. I will find it myself. Just tell me that you don't want to tell it to me rather than make up some story." I wipe the tears that escaped my eyes.

Like what the fuck? I know that he has no intention of telling me anything he knows until I'm completely well. I am aware that even if I force him, if my situation is still like this and I can hardly even stand properly, he will not tell. He can just say it. I might get mad, but I don't have a choice if he doesn't want to say it. Just don't make any more lies.

Magnus didn't say a word. He just looked at me seriously. I do the same. Even though my whole system couldn't bear to look at him, I did it anyway. I want him to know how mad I am at him. I hate liars.

The longer we stared, the more emotion I could see in Magnus's eyes hit me. I once saw that kind of emotion. I once saw that determination and seriousness in him. The first time I saw it was when one of his fling suddenly barge in the office and do some scene just because Magnus ended any connection they had. That woman doesn't want to let go Magnus. But Magnus is so serious that time. And in the end, the woman left crying while throwing curses at Magnus.

"No way." I don't know how am I going to shake my head. It's impossible that everything he said earlier is true. He's just acting, right? That's impossible for me. It's impossible that I am that lost rare omega that everyone fears. I am just Quinn, an ordinary omega that was accidentally impregnated by Magnus.

"It's real love. It's true." Magnus voice is so low.

I chuckled inside my throat. I look at the sky and continue laughing. If this Magnus hadn't been my boss, if I didn't know how he acts, stares, and speaks when something is true and he wants to show it to someone, I will not be shaken. I will still say that he is joking with me and that what he said is all lies. Unfortunately, I worked with him for a long time. If anyone knows Magnus' every move and how his brain works, I'm one of them.

"How long do you know?" If I was feeling messed up before, it's even more messed up now. The emotions I feel are mixed.

"Since you gave birth to Yul."

I looked at Magnus confusedly "How?"

"I was there. Well, I was always on your side since you found out you were pregnant. With Aya's help, I was able to accomplish everything for you and our child. When you gave birth, I was there. The moment you give birth to Yul, you fainted. I immediately entered the operating room because there was a sudden commotion. Yul's pheromones were released as soon as he cried. Yul is a rare alpha with a dangerous pheromones. I'm from a family where rare alpha can be found. Though my father is a rare alpha, but I am not like him. But my blood and power is much stronger that the other. We never expect that Yul is a rare alpha. We are all expecting another rare alpha from my grandchildren and not from my son. We were alarmed. My dad immediately do a research and he found out that only a rare omega can give birth to a rare alpha even his partner is not a rare one. There is no rare omega alive today. The prince that was long gone is the last rare omega."

"And you conclude that it was me?"

"No. Dad did not jump to that conclusion. What he did is he secretly investigated thoroughly. He is aware that the rare omega is not dead, because as I said, no one can kill him. He is aware that the rare omega is just somewhere, living an ordinary life. The investigation lasted a week. The last thing we did is to get a DNA sample from you to prove all the evidence that my father had as it is all pointing to where you came from. And yes, with the DNA result, we found out that you are that rare omega that was long gone. We also got an answer why Yul has a dangerous pheromones."

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