Chapter 3

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I'm soring everywhere. My head, my body, and my butt whole. I also have a lot of marks, I mean hickeys. It's all over my body. I even have a hickey on my thigh.

I carefully dried my hair using a towel. I arrive home safely, but I am thinking of my boss that I left in the hotel. I was wondering if he can still remember what we did. What if yes? Will he be mad at me? Will he fire me in my position? I wish that rumors about him are real. The rumors were that he forgot everything that happened after his rut. In this way, I am safe.

I heaved a deep sigh. My head is full of scenes that happened last night. How come people forgot what happened when they are drunk and I'm not? And how come my heat cycle was ignited by my boss's sudden release of pheromones?

I was drowned by the pleasure given by his hand and his kiss. He is really good in bed. Part of me is happy. I always dreamed to be touched by him. I always dreamed that my boss will be the one who pop my cherry, and it finally happened. He pop it not just one but five times.

But, I'm damned worried. A lot of scenarios playing in my head. I hope those rumors are real.

The next day, I prepared to go to work nervously. My body is shaking. My head is spinning. I really can't think properly.

As I entered the office, I start working. Checking his office if it is properly cleaned, his schedule for the whole day, and re-reading my resignation letter.

Yes, I prepared it last night. In case he remembers what happened, I will give him my resignation letter right away.

My boss arrived. My heartbeat is faster than it could be. He is grumpy, as usual, but he is damn handsome. His hazel brown squinty eyes were perfectly paired by not so thick but long eyelashes. Pointed nose, prominent jaw, and plumply, red beautiful lips. He is an epitome of an adonis.

"Good morning sir." I greeted him. I give myself a slow clap for not stuttering. But I am damn nervous. If my heart can jump out of my chest, maybe, it's beating loudly on the floor already.

"I saw you in the club last Saturday."

"What...what club boss?" Did he remember it? But what he says is HE SAW ME IN THE CLUB. He remember that he saw me. He did not remember that I sit with him. Am I correct?

"Vampisaurus Club."

"Ah yes. I'm with Aya and his team. Why?"

"I was there also."

"I think I saw you there." Fuck self, don't give yourself away. "Is there something wrong? Did something happen?"

"Yeah. I was with this girl that night and I know that I bring her to the hotel. Of course, we did something there. I was sure that I was with her, but when I woke up in that hotel, no one is beside me. I was with no one."

Her? Did she mistake me for a girl? Should I be happy?

"Did you happen to see the girl that is with me that night?" He asked.

"No sir. I just saw you alone in the corner that night."

"Okay. I'll hire someone to investigate it. I want that girl."

I just nod. I was happy that he mistook me for a girl but it immediately went away when he said that he will find someone to investigate it. I know his private detective. Ms. Mae is an expert in her field. I know she will ask for her service, again.

"Anyway, cancel all my appointments today. I'm not in the mood to work. Also, call Detective Mae. Tell her I need her in my office asap."

As I expected.

My boss entered his office without hearing my answer. I just let out a deep sigh. Is he mad that he did not remember who is with him? He said that he liked that girl. What if he knows that it's me? What will he do?

I did what my boss said. I call all people who has an appointment with him and informed them that their appointment was canceled by my boss. I just tell a lie for a reason. They just said okay, but I know they are mad and disappointed. Well, I can't blame them. With their eagerness to meet my boss, a canceled appointment are not part of their expectation. Well, they don't want to see my boss being in his cranky attitude today. Luckily, they made my work easy. They just asked when will be my boss available again and set another appointment.

The last person I called is detective Mae. I don't hate her, but I want to avoid her as much as possible, especially today.

"That's odd. Did that girl bewitch your boss?"  I can hear the clancking of plates and utensils and people chattering in the background. I checked my wrist watched and was shocked that it was already past twelve. It's lunchtime already.

"I don't know. Maybe. He mentioned that he want that girl." I keep on taping the armrest of my office chair. I'm freaking nervous.

"Okay, got it. Tell your grumpy boss that I'll be there within 30 minutes. Tell him that I need ice cream and some food."

"I will. Thank you, Ms. Mae."

"You're nervous Quinn. Why is that?"

Damn it. This is why I don't want to talk to her. She can even tell that there is something just by voice.

"Nothing. My boss is cranky so early in the morning."

"I understand. See you later then."

"I'll inform boss right away. Bye for now Ms. Mae."

"Okay. Bye."

I release a deep sigh. Ms. Mae is something. I remember when I first meet her. That was a year ago when the boss discover something in the accounting department. Boss lost million in a snap of a finger. He did not know how it happened but he have a hint already. He asked Ms. Mae's service and on the same day, the suspect was caught.

Ms. Mae can tell everything by body movement, tone of voice, and eye contact. Twisting questions is her forte also. She can catch someone by just questions that move around the circle.

I know, she can tell that there is something wrong with my shaking and nervous voice. Maybe she can already tell that I am the girl that my boss talking about.

I pull out the top drawer beside me and pick that resignation letter inside it. I think I need to give this to my boss before Ms. Mae arrives. It's much better if I'm not in the city anymore before he knows that I am that girl.

Girl? Do I look like a girl?

Whatever! I need to be away from him before he knows everything. The last thing I want to see in him is his angry eyes.

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