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Day four, Ramadan.

"Wait!" Abubakar yelled, causing Zarah to turn and look at his furious face. The silence was killing her someone has to break it. "No one have ever talked to me like you did today! Who the hell are you, do you know who I am?" Abubakar questioned, Zarah shuddered in fright.

"Firstly I'm Zarah Rahman. Secondly, I know who you are; you are the coward and rude prince." Zarah added in a trembling voice. She noticed she had messed up.

"What was your plan earlier, after this you'll be gone for good." Abubakar said in an angry tone. Zarah sighed before she walked close to the prince and she starts to whisper.

After five minutes of whispers, prince Abubakar and Zarah walked to the French men, they seems a bit annoyed.

"Tu as per du notre temps." The older French man said. Which means: you've kept us waiting since.

"Je suis désolé." Zarah said, which means : we are sorry.

"Je-suis-désolé-poul-la-gêne occasionnee." Prince Abubakar stuttered as he was sounding more like a broken cassete. It was sure he knew not the meaning of the words he just uttered. The French men's face lit up. They gave Abubakar a smirk.

"On dîne oùce soir, un prince incapable." This time it was the younger French man that replied.


Zarah said and the French men stands up. They walked away to their division.

"Can I know what I have been saying?" Prince Abubakar asked, faking a smile.

"Oh yeah, you said; I am sorry for the inconveniences, tell me how to make it up to you." Zarah smiled like a genius.

"What? You made the prince apologize? " Abubakar yelled.

"Yeah sort of, what's wrong with the prince apologizing? He said you should have dinner with him at Celavi's."
"What made you think I'll go?"

"You won't even dare, meet us at Celavi's. 8 o'clock, next tomorrow don't be late or I'll report you to Fazza." Zarah dared as she walked away with a smile. Abubakar was so furious.


That Sunday, Zarah was checking a big French dictionary and also a Spanish dictionary. She kept writing new words on a plane white sheet. Safeenah was laughing as she was watching 'Gummie bears' on the TV.

The door bell began to ring—Safeenah rushed to the door, she peeped through the keyhole and saw it was Dale. She quickly open the door for Dale.

"Mrs Rahman, your drive to Celavi's is ready." Dale said in a cold tone.

"Uncle Dale, come watch this movie, it's amazing!" Safeenah said as she looked back at Dale. 

"Oh, I would love that honey. But I don't want to loose you again,although I am just an useless driver!" Dale finally blurted out, I guess he had been keeping this for long.

Safeenah didn't figure out what was happening—she just continue her movie. Zarah came out of the bedroom, she was dressed up and she also heard Dale's confession.

"Dale....I know you are mad at me for insulting you; I am so sorry, I shouldn't have reacted like that, forgive me Mr. Yahaya." Zarah apologized and the Adhan was called.

"Iftar, sweet iftar!" Safeenah rushed to the mini fridge—she opened it and brings out a date.

"Za habattama, wabtilatil huruk, wasabathil hajir, Insha Allah." She prayed in Arabic and she finally eat her date. This supplication is recited when Muslims wants to break a fast.

Which means: The thirst is gone and the veins are quenched and reward is confirmed, if Allah wills.

"I was heartbroken by your words, I must say." Dale paused "But it's all gone now; I may be Christian and you a Muslim, that doesn't change who we are. We are all Adam's descendants,let's love one another!" Dale lectured with an enthusiastic smile.

"Bye Ummi." Safeenah called as the door click, and it was locked.

The drive was a joyous one, Dale and Zarah couldn't stop talking. They shared their worst moments in life together. Chatting like best buddies. Dale pulled over at a five star rating restaurant."Blvd on one"

"I thought we are supposed to be in Celavi?" Zarah asked as she was still trying to pronounce the name on the restaurant's bill board.

"I think, change of plan. This was the location the Earl sent me." Dale said as he bid Zarah farewell.

Zarah walked down to the restaurant glass door, she pushed it open. At the entrance she saw the prince's bodyguards.

Whoa, the Prince came already? Is he scared of her now?

She pouted her lips as she saw prince Abubakar sitting quietly, he was damn handsome. She took the front sit.
"Madmoselle belle!" the young French man flirt with Zarah, Zarah smiled and thanked him.

"What did he say?"

Prince Abubakar said but Zarah totally ignore him.

"Mr Pedro, I noticed you can speak English!" Zarah switched from French to English as the waiter popped the most expensive wine 'Domaine Leroy'

"Que's tu? " The younger French man asked.

"You just want to inconvenient the prince and make false allegations about Dubai and feed your country with nonsense—cooked up stories " Zarah accused.
"How did you find out? because we didn't speak any English." The younger French man asked in a flabbergasted tone.

"The last meeting we had, your father speak a strange language. It was Mandarin, I had never heard of it. I did research and I found out you said; 'The translator can't speak Mandarin,let sell them out.' " Zarah paused, she glanced at the younger French man and the French man sip his wine. "You said; 'our publication will be the best in Paris'." Zarah added as she glanced at Prince Abubakar.

He smiled at her for the first time.

 Author's note

This chapter is a bit quirky, let's start with dale, the character Dale is so unique. He's got a big heart and also get angry easily, I can't believe he kept that for four days and he just forgive her just in a minute.

Although, what Dale said is true. Let's stop all these violence, regardless our religion—we were not the one who chose our religion the almighty did,let's try to live in peace and make people see the beauty of our religion. If we say Islam is a religion of peace, let's try to practice that peace and to anybody that have undergo the episode of religion intolerance; I am so sorry, you've been going through a lot.


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