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~Safeenah Abubakar~

Peace and unity are few and far between here in the palace.

There is nothing like enemies-to-besties in life, I don't believe in those stuff. Life is filled with shits it's gotta offer; brother's shits, moms shits and even princess-y shits — not even when you've got two mothers. Well, probably just only one, my other mom is like Lady Tremaine from Cinderella. Again, no fairy tales shits. Cinderella was good in cleaning, cooking, singing and even dancing with a total stranger at midnight; but I am not good at any of those — especially the dancing-with-a-stranger aspect. But one thing I'm good at is: making cartoons for my YouTube channel.

My YouTube channel is the only place I can escape from my live drama — if making videos about your whole family counts. My family are the whirlwind of crazy, so I just have to do it. My dad isn't crazy, I love him actually. And my mom, too busy to notice me. My step mom? Well I rather not dive deeper into those stuffs.

But if you insist, I'll tell you how I end up having two mothers.

On my mother's engagement day, my father who was also already engaged to another woman received a call that his first fiancée had changed her mind. From there my crazy dad have no choice but to get married to two women on the same day. A little bit cray-cray right? Yeah I know I came from a long bloodline of crazy. Actually my real father also have a crazy gene inside him: he is somewhere in China now. May the lord heal them all. I hope I won't catch on the crazy disease that have been spreading in the palace.

I can't even make a video in peace. Shutting the door didn't make the bickering go away, it just got deeper.

Every iftar is always like that, but this one in particular is different. It's the last iftar before eid — eid, my mother's favorite festival.

"Who are you talking to?" The last voice I wanted to hear broke my recording. He knew I always do my voice record when the house was quiet; I make cartoon series for my YouTube channel and I use my voice — for my character absolutely.

"None of your business short-stock," I said in disgust. Pissing him off was the only thing I could do, and calling him short-stock was the right button to push.

When Rayhan was six, he had the unique stature of a four-year-old boy. He hates it when people acknowledged his stature; so he always bully people who tends to see the middle of his head, something about feeling tall, I guess. I, myself I'm not tall, but I'm quite taller than Rayhan and I always gave him the hint, right on his face.

"Abu (dad), Safeenah isn't reciting her Qur'an, she's doing that weird cartoon about us again, and I think I'm the villain in it!" Rayhan yelled at the top of his lungs for my dad to hear him. Thank Allah for my soundproofed walls, my father would have busted my room, and raided my cartoon.

It's not like I'm ashamed of what I'm making — in fact it's rated GE, but there is this one episode, where I made my father; the crown Prince of Dubai dress in a very goofy bunny onesie. If he ever found that episode, I don't know what will be my end.

"I curse the day Abu (dad) installed the soundproof walls for your," Rayhan rolled his bulgy eyes, another one of the features he don't want people pointing out. "We are visiting Fazza, so you better get your self together and remember you're fasting, don't go goo-goo over Dawood." He said with a smirk and before I could his my flushed face, his devilish big eyes spotted it.

"Ohh ooh, Saffy and Dawood sitting on a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-"

Before he could finish his silly poem, I gave him a KO with my throw-pillow, flung it right at his face and he went crashing down. I just couldn't handle teasing. I am surely in love with Dawood Kim: he was my first crush. I fell for him when we went to visit my Grandfather last Ramadan, there I saw him. He was sitting amongst my grandfather's friends from across the globe, he was the son of an Arab-Korean business tycoon. One thing led to the other and we talked, he told me his name and also told me he would be enrolling into the same highschool I was going to.

It was perfect, but Rayhan would eventually ruined me before I could even confess my feelings.

"What was that for?" Rayhan cried out, and he had a nosebleed, I forgot about his nose bled.

I rushed to check him, "I'm so sorry. Are you okay?" I questioned, shoving crumbled tissue inside his nostril.

"What do you care?" He hissed and flung my hands away, walking out of my room at last. I sighed in happiness as I was free again, technically for fifteen more minutes before Rayhan's mother; Sheikha Yasmin will burst my room.

Before she gets back, I needed to evacuate immediately.

An Eid With The Prince [Editing]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz