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Ramadan; Day fourteen.

~Exchange chefs, welcome?

Zarah's p.o.v

Why am I feeling like my head is gonna blow up? Oh my God. I have never felt like this for eternity; yeah, I have felt like this—I have felt loved by someone before.

That was when I was with Yusuf—Yusuf was my knight in shinning armor; he always stood by my side, he was like my prince charming: his skin is as radiant like the outline of the night moon, his crystal clear gray hairs—he was born with those, his halve cast white skin and his Chinese accent. He is so damn handsome, but our star ain't meant to be together.

Abubakar kinda remind me of my ex-husband, Yusuf, his smile, his everything was perfection. 

"You go extra miles for me; you care for me, thank you." Abubakar said to me, I am so in love with him, his voice rang in my head and I can never forget the complement I got today.

Maybe falling in love with him was right after all.

* * *

The crazy ringing door bell made woke me up for Sahoor; I stood up and Safeenah was also wide awake.

I walked inside the bathroom in a sleepy mode—I picked up my automatic teeth brush and brushed my teeth in a wearied manner. I glanced at the mirror in front of me and you guessed it right, I saw him.

My Prince—intoxicating Prince.

Hallucinating about him again? I washed my face and I heard another door bell rang and Safeenah's voice accompanied.

"Ummi, the food lady is here!" Safeenah said; it's kinda funny she tagged her as the food lady.

I rushed out to see the lady.

"Prince ordered us to bring you your Sahoor meal and some medications!" The lady stated. Whoa, the prince really meant what he said earlier—yesterday.

"I'm Elizabeth Fernandez Christine... You can call me Eliza." She said, thankfully I'll stop calling her food lady.

"Okay... Miss Christine." I replied awkwardly.

She nodded in affirmation."—One more thing; give me your digit, so that I won't stand and keep ringing the door bell next time." she added.

Oh I forgot, I should apologize to miss Christine. "I am so sorry Miss Fernandez, I'll make it up to you." I apologized with a yawn showing the degree of my weariness. I gave her my digits as she said and she walked out with a big smile—I love her sense of humor; she is a kind and jovial person just like Dale. 

Safeenah was eager to eat the foods and I was eager to get some rest. After two to three bite from the hot pizza, I slept off thinking about Abubakar.

* * *

The car was on full speed; it was not normal for Dale to drive at such high speed. The car was heading towards the 'Marriogate road'—another beautiful street in Abu Dhabi.

An Eid With The Prince [Editing]Where stories live. Discover now