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Salaam y'all, its recipe time! I know this is not part of the book, but you guys might need it, be rest assured, the ingredients are all halal!

Lets start with khuzi Panyaram's recipe!

Khuzi Panyaram is a traditional and local Arab  food, also an Indian and Kuwaiti food.


For Masala

1. Oil, 1 teaspoon
2. Curry leaves 2–3
3. Chopped Dry Red chilli 2tbs
4. Grated coconut 1/4 cup
5. Chopped onion, 2tbs
6. Salt
7. Red chilli powder 1ts

For Panyaram,

1. Dosa batter ( flour batter)
2. Oil, 1tbs

  →For filling,

1. Shredded meat 1/2 teaspoon.

Let's get started, grab your apron and turn on the cooker, it about to get real!!!


Step 1,

To prepare Masala, heat oil in a pan, add curry leaves, chopped dry chilli, grated coconut, chopped onion, salt, red chilli powder and mix well.

Step 2,

In a bowl mix the Dosa batter ( flour batter)  and the prepared Masala together.

Step 3,

Add oil to the pan and add the prepared batter into it, immediately drop 1/2 teaspoon of shredded meat.

Step 4,

Cover it and let it cook for 5–7 minutes and then remove it once cooked from both sides.

Step 5,

In a jar, serve coconut chutney and place it on a plate, arrange the Panyarams on the plate and sprinkle red chilli powder on it!

Step 6,

Garnish with fried red chilli and fried curry leaves.

  I hope your kitchen is filled with great and nice aroma, lets get to the nutritional facts;

Calories : 1699 kcal

Carbohydrates : 240.1 gm

Protein : 56.6 gm

Fat : 56.9 gm

Others: Fiber : 18.6 gm.

Now let move to Alharees, Alharees also know as 'Habb harees' is a local and ancient food in some Arabian country.
Some ingredient might be hard to find, due to the scarcity!

Nevertheless, let's get started!


1. 1 Kg lamb or 1kg chicken, on the bone.
2. 1 kg of  whole wheat ( Habb wheat) or 1 kg pearled Durham wheat.
3. 150 g ghee ( traditional samen)
4. Salt and freshly ground black pepper
5. Water, as needed

Option 1:
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
2 teaspoon roasted ground cumin
Option 2:
3–4 whole bruised cardamom pods

Option 3:
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon


Soak wheat over night in plenty of water

In a large pot, place pre-soaked and drained wheats, add 3/4 liter of water and boil until the wheat begins to fluff up and soften.

Soak the lamb / chicken in plenty of lightly salted water whilst the wheat is cooking.

When the wheat is fluffy, rinse and drain the meat.

In a large, heavy bottomed pot, place the wheat and the meat with a little salt and pepper and enough water to come about 5cm above the wheat and meat. Cover with  a tight and fitting lid. You can place a damp cloth or aluminum foil over the pot and then place the lid over.

Bring to a boil, reduce heat and cook on a very low heat for 1/2 hours, stirring occasionally and skim – off  from or flat on the surface.

Add a little salted boiling water to thin it if required. Use a large wooden spoon, or pound it with a wooden rolling pin to get desired consistency. You could also pulse it In a food processor or use an immersion blender, but if you are lucky enough, you might have a Medrab which is specially  for  Harees.

Check seasoning and re – season if desired. Transfer to a warmed serving pot, cover and keep warm.

Place the Ghee in a pan and season to taste, use salt and pepper, gently warm the Ghee and mix well.

Pour the seasoned ghee over the harees and serve immediately.

N. B : you can also serve the harees with 1/2 tsp grounded cinnamon and 2 tsp roasted grounded cumin seeds or 3–4 whole bruised cardamom pods added to the ghee. You can also serve harees with plenty of sugar.

And we are done, so Amazing, my kitchen is filled with aroma, I guess yours is too, I hope the recipe is good, I think i should start  an online cooking class 😕😒😏😒😒, just kidding!

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Stay safe and stay halal y'all!

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