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Safeenah's p.o.v

I wanna go meet my Ummi, I miss Ummi; this is the worst Ramadan ever, I miss Ummi and Abi.

I cried trying to fake my tears—crocodile tears I guess; I think it shouldn't be call that anymore, because my Ummi is the queen in that dimension; she is the queen of crocodile tears, she always used onions to get whatever she want from my dad.

Those memories are vague but I remembered them quite well.

Uncle Spencer was so mad, he grabs his Ferrari car key and held my arms—not knowing he was hurting me. He have been trying my mum's number though, it wasn't going through.

"You wanna see your mama? you're gonna see your mama; sheesh children are annoying, remind me not to have kids!" Uncle Spencer said dramatically to his co worker and she laughed it out.

Uncle Dale walked inside and I was over the moon—speaking of the real angel.

I hugged him. "I wanna go with him," I cried. Uncle Spencer was thrilled; yeah I saved him the trouble. He let go of me instantly and uncle Dale carried me on his shoulder. Uncle Dale is a good man, I like him.

As we drove by; about 5km away from CityMax hotel, I saw the piece of gathering, people eating and chattering — was kinda happy to see my ummi was actually feeding those people.

I saw the plaza, it's got a big sign board crowne plaza? It was weird, because, crowns doesn't have letter 'e' but this one have.

The car pulled over in front of the big long—gigantic tent, as we stepped down, I saw my mum from afar. My mum was staring at the Prince while he was actually touching her lips?

What am I seeing?

"Abubakar what are you doing?" A very fine lady asked the Prince. This bring my ummi back to reality. The fine lady must be an intimate relative or something, because she didn't use any honorifics.

My mum covered her face with the niqab that was on her hujab—due to the fact she opened it aback and as she was about to leave that fine lady stopped her.

She whispered something in her ears. I know what she said was something harsh because my ummi was quiet as we drove off.

* * * *

"Ummi, what did she say?" Safeenah asked her mother, Zarah smiled at her. "She is always a jerk!" Dale suddenly chip in.

"What?" Zarah asked astonished.

Dale focus his gaze at Zarah. "Lady Yasmin, she is always jealous of people way better than her." Dale nodded in affirmation, making Zarah feel better.

"Thank you Dale, but she didn't offend me in any way." Zarah said trying to nix all the dark thoughts that crossed her mind.

Safeenah shrugged; letting go of the matter. "Ummi let's go order pizza or some fried chicken?" Safeenah said as she dragged Zarah and Dale waved them good bye.

Inside Zarah's room, she was on the bed sleeping on Safeenah's thigh and she gently comb her black shiny hair."Ummi, why are you sad? you look unhappy." Safeenah observed.

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