Part 4 School Field Trip

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After the exams, Y/N reached the top while Saiki got his desired rank.

"Wow congrats Y/N! You're new in this school and you are already at the top. Good job!" Hairo showed a thumbs up

"Thank you Hairo!" Y/N smiled

"Everyone in our class passed, including Nendou! Surprisingly—but anyhow that is not the focus here. We are going on another field trip! Our second one first for you" he said aiming it to Y/N. "Oh how lucky we are'' Kaidou said

"Must be the work of the Dark Reunion" Y/N whispered near Kaidou's ear which made him freeze. She then started walking away.


[Good grief the optimism has dispersed. It's the day of the field trip but since there was a typhoon, our flight was delayed. Deja vu?]

"Saiki do you have some psychic powers or some sort so you could get rid of this typhoon?" Y/N said

Saiki was taken aback by the statement

"I'm just kidding! It's just your last name rhymes with it.There is no such thing as Psychic!" She laughed and hit the psychic's back. "Probably..." She muttered.

"Since when did you guys get close?" Kaidou asked

"We're not?" Saiki answered through telepathy

"We're just getting to know each other for now" Y/N answered biting both her lips

"Nendou stop doing that please, it's disgusting. What are you? A kid?" Kaidou told the tall figure who is exposing his bottom.

"Says the one who still has delusions" Y/N whispered and looked away

"What did you just say? I'll tell this to mom!" Kaidou whined and ran away leaving the rest baffled by how he reacted.

[Leave the poor kid alone]

"And he dare scold Nendou is a kid when he is one himself?" She said under her breath and Saiki couldn't agree more

[Looks like this is up to me...again....Hopefully nothing will happen in the plane like last time]

As the psychic said, he dispersed the typhoon. When he returns, his classmates are full of cheers.

"Huh? Saiki, why are you so wet?" Chiyo asked, which made Y/N wonder what he did after all, why did the typhoon suddenly disappear and coincidentally, Kusuo came back soaking wet. Seems suspicious.

All that aside, our psychic noticed Y/N's knuckles turning white by how tight she is gripping on the bag handle.

At the plane


[That voice again. Who are you]

Y/N is sitting a few seats in front of Teruhashi and the others and she prefers it that way. It's also closer to the toilet which she needs in case of emergency like right now. She stood up to go to the toilet, then she was forced to look back when she heard a scream.

"Kaidou is feeling sick!" Nendou yelled out

"Not this again" she noticed the sleeping—"was" sleeping psychic pinching the bridge of his nose and groaned, as if this had happened before.

"There is some medicine for motion sickness in my bag. It's in the front pocket" She said and Chiyo immediately stood up and got it.

"Hang on Kaidou-kun! I'll come save you!" Chiyo said. Saiki then showed a thumbs up but Y/N already had her back on him just as he wanted.

==few minutes later==

"Oi Takahashi hang on!" One of his friend called out

[Another noise?]

"Takahashi are you alright?" Y/N asked

"My stomach hurts" he yelped in pain

[I am relying on you Y/N] Saiki peeked at the girl

"Maybe you just needed to fart?" Y/N asked

"That's ridiculous that would neve-" takahashi stopped as a sqeezing fart sound was released and was dragged out. Everyone turned silent and all eyes is on Takahashi, then the smell starts to fill everyone's nose

"See what did I tell you?" She said covering her nose and once again went to the toilet.

After numerous amount of events, they finally arrived at their destination. Of course, no plane crash this time. Just like every other field trip, the first thing they did was to go to the place they will be staying at.

Y/n shares a room with her group of girl friends which consists of Kokomi, Chiyo, and Chisato. Not only that, her group is paired with Saiki's group completing her circle of friends.

"Hey Y/N Now that we've place our things down we're being called to gather" Kokomi said

"Alright coming" Y/N answered

They head out to meet everyone already downstairs

"Ok now that everyone is here, let me repeat what we will be doing. Today, you are free to go wherever you want. However, tomorrow after visiting the places that are on the schedule you are free to go wherever. but do not go outside Okinawa and do not get into trouble" The teacher announce and everyone answered 'yes' in unison before exiting the building

Y/N's circle of friends is riding a bus on their way to wherever they are going when she suddenly feels the sudden urge to use the toilet. Luckily she was sitting all the way back and the toilet was right behind her. Although she hates it since bus toilets were never comfortable. Saiki who was sitting on the other side of her noticed some crimson red on the seat. After noticing it was dried blood he stood up from his seat and apported stuff he doesn't really need with a cloth and Mr. Clean, and yes another Levi Ackerman reference.

[Why the hell am I doing this again.] He thinks as he wipes her seat. She then soon came out of the bathroom to see what he was doing

"Oh no don't tell me-" She whispered and covered the back of her pants

I was half asleep while in the toilet. I didn't notice and just changed without realising anything. This is so embarrassing.

"Saiki, I can do that. I am so sorry. Please keep this a secret" She said and snatched the spray bottle and cloth from his hand, wanting to melt away of embarrassment.

"What benefit would it do me if I told other people?" He told her. Her heart somehow skipped a beat

Oh no no no you can't think like that. But he even wiped the seat for you.... Y/N please just don't think at all

She brushed off her thoughts and just proceeded with what she was about to do. Luckily, our psychic was fast asleep not being able to read her thoughts.

The whole ride to their destination was just Y/N stealing a glance towards the sleeping Kusuo

Idk what that last part was tbh

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