Part-3 Spoiled Night

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(BTS welcomed Y/N nd Lia, Jenny also warmly nd start talking to them. Lia is full of chatter box so she talk too much nd telling BTS about Y/N. Taehyung nd Jungkook like Lia nature where Jenny start liking Yoongi in her first meeting now she gluing with him all the time which irritates him.)

(All like Y/N nature most coz she is so sweet in talking nd calm in nature nd her shyness is her golden charm which whipped BTS most. Now Lia telling BTS how many boys have crush on Y/N nd
Y/N stopping Lia from saying all this, her cute anger make her more cute.)

(But Jimin boiled in his possession. When he can't hold it more he promptly grab
Y/N hand nd dragged her in kitchen an here all looking them in surprise. Lia wanted to go behind them but Jungkook stopped her.)

Jungkook: Lia! Don't go let them talk alone.
Lia: But why he is so angry. I was telling all this just for fun.
Taehyung: No he's not angry it's just his possessiveness for Y/N.

Jenny: *blushed* Hey Yoongshii!! Do u have girlfriend?
Yoongi: *irritated* Waeee!!... Someone plz take her also.

(All laughed on Yoongi whining face nd start talking again but Lia is still worrying for Y/N)


(At kitchen)

(Y/N was unaware what happened to Jimin)

Y/N: Jimin what happened why u dragged me here?
Jimin: *poker face* Do u have any contact with those guys?
Y/N: Huhh!! Who?
Jimin: Those boys who proposed u nd have crush on u.
Y/N: Jimin why u behaving so serious it's not that big deal.

(She said with a chuckle just to light up his mood but he grabbed her shoulders nd shouted on her)


(Y/N flinched by his sudden shout she squeezed her eyes coz Jimin squeezing her arms tightly when he realise her paining her so he freed her arms but cupped her face softly in hands.)

Jimin: I'm sry I didn't wanna shout on u. Sry if I made u scared but I really love u Y/N. I don't want anyone near u.
Y/N: *smile* I know Jimin nd don't worry u know that I only love u.

"Park Jimin's Shy Indian Girlfriend" [✅] [Jimin FF] [Completed] Where stories live. Discover now