《2》The Curse User

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cover art by  h0pe.lez 







"What a pain..."

Haru peered over at the clock with a distasteful look, already dreading the idea of the meeting she will be having with a certain sorcerer. As much as she did not want to go...she was not willing to risk it. 

Besides, it wouldn't hurt to meet him just to see what he wanted...of course with her guard up.

"♡°¤Master!! °•☆Master!!! □°▪︎"  The Curse that always lurks around her pops from the shadows of her living room, its eyes filled with tears as its thin hands wave back and forth, "☆◇°Are you seriously going to meet that Jujutsu Sorcerer!!! ¤♤° He's scary! ♤¤°Scary man!!☆▪︎°"

Haru lets out a sigh, ruffling her short hair, "It's fine, I doubt he'll do something to me..."

It was a gut feeling. But yet again, she was going to make sure to be extra careful just in case. 'Better safe than sorry...'

She left her small apartment around the time she was supposed to meet with the man. It's not like she was in any hurry to meet him, especially after what happened. Another sigh escapes her parted lips, lifting up her lilac-colored hoddie over her head once the bright sun blurred her vision. 

The Curses that were scattered throughout the dark parts of the streets sensed her appearance and soon began to follow her. She paid them no mind, used to this occurrence. Unlike many cases where the Curses would attack the Sorcerer...they remained rather tamed. 





As much as she wished her walk would be short, unfortunate for her, the cafe was not too far from her home. Haru stopped right towards the large windows of the cafe, a frown settling when she recognized the man from the previous night.

He instantly saw her, a smile beaming from his face as he waved over at her. She deadpans, making it obvious from her expression that she was not pleased to see him.

"Stay here..." She mumbles towards the Curses that were following her. 

Haru enters the shop and was greeted by the employee there. She nods in respect, but her eyes were steady on the man that was seated far away from the crowded area...a corner of the shop. This action was definitely done on purpose, and she did not like it. Not one bit.

Her steps were cautious, a firm glare while his eyes glistened with happiness. 

"What do you want?" Haru went straight to the point, standing a few steps away from the wooden table that he occupied. Her hoodie remained on her head, making her glare even more menacing than usual. The monk could only smile at her hostility.

"Can I not invite a pretty woman for some coffee?" The monk says, not flustered by his own words. Her eyes narrow even more, unamused.

"If that were the case you wouldn't have stalked me for the past few days like some creep," She shots back, annoyed and not in the mood for his jokes. 

He, on the other hand, looked quite content when he heard her say that, "Oh? You knew I was watching you over these past few days?" His eyes close, "My~ I couldn't tell since you appeared so focused on your job~"

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