《10》God is a Woman

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cover art by h0pe.lez







"That woman...she's a relative isn't she..."

Gojo came to a complete stop after hearing those words. He visibly turns to face the boy, saying nothing of any sort, while the teen stared at him back. It was mid-day, they both were coming back from a local mission. Megumi suddenly approached with that spontaneous question.

'I knew Megumi was sharp but I wasn't expecting him to find out so soon...' Gojo muses to himself, the corners of his lips churning upwards, 'Why don't I play for a little bit~'

"Hmmm? What makes you say that? Did you feel some sort of connection with Haruka~?" Gojo answers Megumi, tilting his head to express his confusion. Of course, Megumi knew right away that his teacher was fooling around. He knew him too well to not know what Gojo was scheming something with that smile of his.

His expression irks, holding back the urge to hit his teacher, "Cut that out there's no point in hiding it,"

Gojo's smile remains, stopping from taking a few steps as he turns his body fully towards Megumi, "What are u talking about~?" Gojo continues to act out, but it only seems to worsen the boy's mood. Megumi lets out a huff before explaining.

"Miss Matsumoto is my family...she really wasn't hiding how eager she was when she meet me, and then the sudden questions about family," Megumi listed his observation, his brows furrow, "I suspected when she suddenly left like that...and seeing you try to pretend otherwise just proved my point,"

Gojo slightly flinches, 'Hm! He's super sharp!!'

"Well...what is she exactly to me? Is she a Zen'In...?" Despite how disinterested Megumi was originally in knowing of the family that he never had, there was no doubt that deep inside his heart he was quite curious about Haru. As she appears to carry this sort of mysterious aura around her, he couldn't exactly put his finger on it. And according to Gojo, she was an unregistered Grade 1 Sorcerer that worked directly under him without the knowledge of the higher-ups.

That being said, and yet Megumi was unable to sense Cursed Energy from her. So how exactly was someone with that level of Cursed Energy a Grade 1 Sorcerer? As much as he racked his brain in the thought...he came to one conclusion alone.

'That only means that she's powerful...powerful enough to hide her Cursed Energy...' A cold sweat dares to fall from his cheek. He became gradually aware of this, eyeing his teacher for answers. Just who exactly was she? His questions continue to pile up more and more from curiosity.

"Zen'In? Hm...she is from her father's side," Gojo began, hand under his chin. Megumi perks at this, nodding briefly in understanding.

"Then...she's..." The boy mumbles but is unable to finish his thoughts when Gojo intervenes with his claps.

"Ding! Her father and your father are both brothers~ Which makes the two you--!!" The taller sorcerer then points both his fingers dramatically at the irked teen, as imaginary confetti blows at him, "Cousins~!!"

Gojo breaks out into a grin, quite enjoying the look that Megumi had. The boy was puzzled, possibly not expecting Haru to be a close relative like this. Of course, he had relatives in the Zen'In Clan, in fact, two of them were his upperclassmen. But they were rather distant relatives.

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