《3》Not The Same

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cover art by h0pe.lez







"Should I just kill them?"

Haru was leaning forward on the counter of the bakery shop, expressionless and tired from the previous day. She recalled Getou's face, only irking her further from her already pissed-off mood. The man will continue his visits, and always ask her the same question that will always get the same response.

And let's not forget about the blonde salaryman, who also happens to be a sorcerer. He was a regular at the bakery, and he has started to suspect something with the way he now stares at her.

The Curse that crawled on her shoulder beams at her words, it's teeth chattering with excitement, "•♤■Kill them!!°◇☆Kill sorcerers Master~¤°○DO IT!! ¤•□ DO IT!!♧°☆" He giggles, having the most fun out of it.

Haru sighs again, "If only that were easy...because then I'll need to think about the consequences...and I'm not trying to complicate my life even more than it already is, "

The Curse gasps at this, close to crying, "○☆▪︎B-BUT MASTERRR! °◇♡H-How about letting us do it~ Master doesn't need to dirty her hands~■¤● W-We can do it!!◇£▪︎" His excitement rose again, "○♤▪︎Let me kill!!☆°¤ KILLL!!●•◇"

It seemed like a fair idea, but after meeting Getou personally...she thought otherwise.

"No...I doubt any of you are strong enough to kill that monk. Not to mention," Haru recalled the group of sorcerers that were present that night. She sensed around 6 individuals.

"There could be more of his followers, and it's not a risk we should take if we don't have a death wish..."

The Curse sulks at this, as much as he wanted to do so his Master had a point. He was a weak Curse, so the sorcerers would have no problem with killing him.

Just then, Haru sensed a familiar cursed energy.

"He's coming..." Quickly, she flicked the Curse off her shoulder again, earning a yelp from him. She immediately stood straight and proceeds to look occupied at the register. On cue, the blonde sorcerer entered the bakery. The small bell advised Haru that a customer just walked in.

She proceeds with her part, "Welcome to Bakery Bakery,"

This time, the man did not ignore her greeting and bowed his head lightly her way. As usual, he wore the same exact tired expression while his blonde hair was slick back. The suit was an obvious change every time he came.

She watches him pick up the tray and tongs...and heads towards the familiar aisle of sandwiches. He picked out the same one and placed it gently on the tray. The man never bothered to check the other items around him, and always went with the same item.

With that, he walks up towards Haru with the sandwich.

"Would that be all for today?" She asked, knowing well his answer but she still asked this for courtesy.

"...Yes..." He says, his eyes focused on her. He watched her pick up the item and scan it. He already pulled out his card and placed it on the plastic tray. He never looked away from her focused face.

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