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《27》 BreakDown

cover art by  h0pe.lez 






"We can't leave!?"

"What is going on?!"

The people began to stir panic, some unaware of the strange veil that prevented their exit. Their constant shouts nerved a few. A detective--Hiruma Koji-- frowns when he witnessed the perplexing situation.

7:06 PM

'What is going on?' Hiruma looks around, and heads towards the entrance. He makes it out of the subway lines, up ahead he can see a larger crowd. He moves through the crowd that was in their costumes, making his way towards the front of the crowd. There were a few banging on a darkish wall, but only some were able to see it.

Hiruma was one of them.

'That wall...it's a Curtain,' Hiruma narrows, recognizing it. 'It's just like the one Haruka would cast whenever she wanted to train,' 

He gets closer, his hand reaching towards inside his suit to pull out his department ID, "Koji Hiruma, Private Detective. What's the situation?"

At his commanding voice, the people close by sigh of relief. One of the men in a Spiderman costume approaches, pointing at the veil, "We don't even know...! We can't get out because of this invisible wall!"

A woman in a Tinkerbelle costume also nears closer, her expression one of worried, "Earlier there were people near the station were sucked inside!!"

"I see. We need to remain calm to asses the situation," Hiruma instructs, his brows slightly furrow, 'Could this be caused by Curses?'

Another man spoke, but this one did not have any costume. Compared to the others, he had a desperate look, "We need Gojo Satoru!

The detective stiffens at the name, turning towards the man who uttered the Jujutsu Sorcerer's name. His navy blue eyes waver slightly, "Gojo Satoru...?"

7:12 PM

The man in the Spiderman suit groans out loud, pointing at the man accusingly, "He's been saying that over and over again!"

This seemed to have triggered the other man, making him glare, "Shut up! I'm not the only one saying this!" He looks at the detective, getting closer to him with a pleading look, "Detective!! We were told that if we don't bring Gojo Satoru, we can't leave!"

Hiruma's eyes widen, "What? Where did you get that information?" 

The man shrugs, "I don't know! Everyone is saying it!"

'What?' Hiruma churns, glancing towards the black veil that overlaps them all. He felt uneasy by just looking at it,  'What in the world is going on?'

He looks back at the people that were around him, each and every one was in distress about the situation. It made sense, being stuck inside this invisible wall like some horror theme. And with no signal at that.

'On top of that...it almost feels like we're being held captive...I supposed they're gonna use us against Gojo Satoru...' Hiruma narrows, a cold sweat passing by his cheek, 'But strange...why do I get the feeling there's something more to this...' The detective nears closer towards the veil, contemplating his thoughts. He recalls what Haru told him about what veils are. 

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