ᥴꫝꪖρ𝕥ꫀ𝕣 11

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Beomgyu was lying on his bed, holding his ghost plushie up to the ceiling. He's been broken ever since Taehyun shared what happened to him.

'Many times he told me his parents could kill him, why did I never take that seriously...'

'What did he mean when he said he's not really a ghost..? Apparently that dumb black book explained it well.'

Beomgyu's brother who's now 16 years old was busy knocking on the older's door. "Dude, I got the book you asked for, now open your door! Unlike your lonely ass I got 3 dates to go to right now."

After a few more seconds of rolling around in his own misery, Beomgyu finally opened the door for him. "What's with you and playing with girls's hearts all the time?"

"Why not? Not my fault you're not taking advantage of the good looks we inherited."

Beomgyu scoffed lightly. "If only those girls knew that the oh so handsome boy couldn't sleep without his mommy's bedtime stories until 12 years old."


"Thanks..." He muttered in pain before looking at the front cover, it's black and has some people on it..? This is normally the black book Taehyun reads all the time, Beomgyu finally decided to take a look at its content.

When he opened it, his eyes got so big that it felt like they would pop out.

"Anyway I didn't know you were into hetero porn bro.. What's not surprising though is how much of a pussy you are for not getting the book yourself and sending me to do it."

'Ain't no way that this whole time Hyun-ah was reading this stuff!'

"That's what you described though." The little brother raised a brow.

"I said to get me the black book!"

"There are dozens of black books in your store dumbass!"

"But his book is plain black there's nothing on it." Now that Beomgyu thinks of it.. Are Taehyun's books even real? Seemingly no one else sees Taehyun specifically, but is that also the case for the books he holds in his hands when he reads them? Surely someone would call out a book floating in mid air.

Maybe it's impossible for Beomgyu's brother to even see that black book so he can't give it to him.

"It's been a while since I heard Taehyun's name. You guys are back to being friends with kissing benefits?"

Beomgyu just looked done.


He didn't want to go to the store himself because he felt scared, but he has to show up eventually since he works there part-time.

Today isn't a day when he works there though.

He walked inside like a robot and surprise surprise Taehyun was sitting there at that same spot. 'Does he live here or what?'

His heart rate is starting to freak already, he wasn't really in an okay state that evening so it's only now that he registered how Taehyun said that the reason he couldn't touch him is because he was scared. Therefore he's trying to calm down.

He slowly sat across from him..

Taehyun was quick to react. "Beomgyu-"

"Oh so now you're speaking to me?" He says with hostility. The library is kinda full today surprisingly on the days he doesn't work there, so he shouldn't talk (to himself) too much.

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