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"We will be giving the donations to the children, do you want to come with us?"

"I would love to help but I'll better finish cleaning while the children are not scattered."

"Hmm. Makes sense. But if you want, you can join us whenever."

I nodded. My excuse is still working. I really did a very intensive cleaning that I can almost see sparkles.

I closed my eyes and listened to the kids. They seem too happy, and that is enough for me. I just couldn't partake in such things.

A few more minutes or hours... I don't know, they ended the small event and so I slipped inside, staying at the corners of the room.

"Look at Theo, he has been tailing serious guy (Aiden)." Miriel was talking with Riri.

"It seems like it."

I walked behind them and whispered to Ri and Miriel that I will go. My energy is suddenly drained. Maybe because of my unscheduled 'spring cleaning'.

"Okay, see you tomorrow." Miriel bade.

"Thena." Riri caught the end of my sleeves. "Thank you."

Huh? "No problem. Take some rest, okay?" She nodded and I headed out. Riri seems to be drained, too. If only I can be of much help.

I used the back door again, not keen on walking with someone. Noticing the orange hue of my surroundings, I turned to my right where the sun dampened it's warm light against my skin. However, a flash of fire and blood made me quiver. I squinted my eyes and shook it away. I pulled out the envelope once again. The past is the past but the gravity of what has been weighs my heart. I still...

"The forest is dangerous at night." I don't have to look to know that it is Aiden.

"The forest here is peaceful." He did not answer as usual but I expected nothing.

"Theo likes you. He may be clumsy sometimes but he is a good kid. He just needs the right guidance."

"Why are you telling me this?" His uncharacteristic taking part in the conversation made me more curious. I don't know him.

"I think he sees you as an older brother. And when it comes the time that you take them in, please take good care of them." Because, I won't be able to.

"They like you, too." I looked at him in surprise but he was staring past me, towards the mesmerizing view. The last rays of the sun brushed on his face like a painting. His brows are not creased as it usually does. He was... just him.

He glanced at me one more time before turning around towards the car which I did not notice before. "See you." And he vanished from my sight.

At that moment, a smile unknowingly drew in my lips. I know I shouldn't but I think I love him.

Duke was in the kitchen when I arrived. He was too focused on what he was cooking that he did not even look at me. I suppose this is his way of treating me to dinner. I found a good looking slice of bread on the table. Did he bake this? It looks so appetizing that I couldn't help but to snatch a piece. He wouldn't mind, right?

"Uhm." I took a bite and that felt nice to my mouth. It's soft inside that it almost melts in my mouth but it's crust outside gives a satisfying texture and...

"No. Don't eat that." Duke grabbed my wrist.

"Huh? Why? Are you saving it for later?"

"No. It's... Is it good?"

I nod. "Really?"

"Yes? Is this poison?"

"No. You can have it if you want." But there is something in his eyes, maybe he is still guilty about last night.

"Sit there, I'll serve dinner."I smiled and ate the last bits of bread. I should've been used to his attitude. Everytime my mate appears he becomes a worry wart. Maybe, I should call him Mum, instead.

"Here." He served a meat dish. "What is this?" I don't usually eat, but I haven't seen him make this dish before.

"It's beef short ribs. Here." He handed over the salt. "You should put some of this in, I forgot it when I was cooking since Melo keeps calling me." Melo? Is that his secretary?

I sprinkled some salt. "Is this enough?" I asked.

"Some more." I continued on adding.

"Are you sure this is okay?" The white salt is very visible. But I haven't eaten this meal before.

"Just a little bit more. And... stop. Now mix it, so the taste will spread. It will be just perfect."

"Okay." After mixing for a few, he says that I can eat it. So, I did.

It's easy to chew and not too greasy. "So?" He asked.

"It's good." I said continuing to eat. I should savor it if someone makes me a meal. And Duke is always so considerate.

It did not take long for me to finish the plate. "Thank you for the meal." But he still has a look of concern on his face.

"Are you still thinking of last night?"

He sighed. "Laine. I will ask you this one last time... Do you want to stay here?"Both of us understand that this may be my last. 

"Do you want me to stay here?" I asked his silent question.


I smiled at his honesty. "But, I will go wherever you are." My Duke, what did I do to deserve you?

"I have to stay." It will not change anything, instead of running away, I will strive to help the orphanage.

"If that is your decision, I will respect it. However, I will not leave you alone. So, you can tell me anything. That's my promise." The first time he said it, I was heartbroken over my second mate. That's when we started to live together. A thousand year old promise is fading in my memory. Because sometimes, there are things that are meant to be forgotten.

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