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"The king asking me out? Looks like I don't have a choice."

"So? My Lady?"

He stood up and laid out his hand, as if it was an invitation.

"Alright then." I reached out and as I touched his hand, I teleported us to a not-so-nearby meadow.

The wind brushes against my skin as the sun starts to set in the distance.

'Hey.' He linked and he was already in his black wolf form. 'It's been a while.' He stretched his legs readying for a run.

'It would've been nice if you could shift to a wolf. I'm still waiting for that race, you know?'

He often insists that he can run faster than me even if I am in wolf form. Now that he mentioned it, maybe... I stared at my hand.

"Do you wanna race?" I said putting off my eyeglasses, teleporting it to the office.

'You'd say it is unfair since I am in this form.'

"I won't."

'Okay, the first one to cross the river wins. Deal?'


Both of us stood up side by side.

'On my count. 3....2... 1... go!' He bolted out, and I don't know why I have this feeling, I just know I can. I ran and each step, an energy slowly enveloped me and I felt my body change. Slowly, Until I was running on all four legs. My reddish fur dances along with the wind as I speed up, immediately catching up with him. He did not say anything and instead continued to race.Both of us leapt across the river. 

'Well, that was fun.' I turned to the distance we run, the tree is too small from here.

'You cheated.' He huffed. 'Never thought you had this form.'

'I am surprised as well.' I peeked through my reflection, a reddish brown wolf with golden eyes, don't I look peculiar? This power is strange yet I don't feel anything odd.

'You look beautiful.' He nudged at me.

Am I? Isn't this power scary?

'Let's do a rematch. I will not lose again.'

'Don't be a sore loser.' Then, we started running again until it was dark.He lay on the grass staring at the sky.

'I miss you, Lainey. I wish this day will never end.'

I lay beside him. To wish is a lost dream for someone who rose from nightmares.

'Tomorrow, I will talk to Duke. You can stay in Sicilia, we'll just be at the border.' They'll probably brush over how I got rejected and all, he knows I don't want to hear it all over.

'I'll stay in Sicilia. Don't worry about me.'

'Right. You're the guardian.'

The night soon ended. He left the next morning while I waited in Sicilia. He gave me the liberty to read anything and Alicia will never let anybody in.

I went through the profiles of the council members. They are mostly retired Alphas, including SilverKnights, that's why they thirst for authority. This little circle they made, I think they are conspicuous enough as to not be trusted. The former Alpha of SilverKnight, Arthur, he has close relations with the seers. They are like oracles who can have visions of the future. If their powers extend more than this, maybe Arthur is manipulating his ideal outcome. Still, it's too early to judge.

After a while, I went downstairs to take a walk venturing to the farther side of the castle. I casted a spell so nobody will suspect me. That's what I thought but...

I was hauled to another room. This familiar feeling.

"What are you doing here?" A sense of déjà vu came to mind as I heard his voice and met those eyes. It seems that I am tied to him, Aiden.

"Why are you here?" I asked back. I don't suppose there is another meeting or is there?

He peeked through the glass at the door. He motioned his hand to keep quiet.

Someone passed through the hallway. After he checked again, he whispered to my surprise, with concern, "You should not be here, it's dangerous if they see you." He keeps on checking the door. I can sense his rapid heartbeat that I subconsciously made the room unnoticeable to anyone at that moment. Why is he... scared? Is he scared that they will see me with him? Is it embarrassment? But something tells me it's not.

"Why do you care?" My lips moved unconsciously.

"I can't let them hurt you." And there I was curious. Why?

"Listen, you can't stay here. Nobody will be out after 15 minutes, stay here then leave after 15 minutes. You can leave through the basement door. If anyone sees you, just say that you are bringing the papers for the meeting. Okay? Do you understand?" Why is he like this?

"Laine. Do you understand? After 15 minutes, okay?"

I nod not knowing how to react.

He looked at me one more time, eyes narrowed, he wanted to say something but couldn't. He held my cheek as if saying goodbye. Then, he left.

I did not move and stared where he was. What does he mean? And my heart? Why does it beat again?

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