Mission #1: Secure A Family

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Capital City

Burlingto, City Hall.

"Did you hear? A burglar snuck into the office." a woman's voice rings out. "And, like, the only thing he touched was the shelf where we keep women's personal data. Isn't that, like, gross? This guy's a total creep."

"Still not as creepy as our section chief." another woman responds. "He was tooootally undressing me with his eyes this morning."

A woman with glasses huffed out some smoke from her cigarette. "You can blame your short skirt for that."

"Whaaaat? But my boyfriend likes it!" the previous woman responded. "You've got a great figure, Sharon! You've gotta show it off!"

Sharon looked away, "not when you have kids you don't."

The first woman looked into the distance, "hey, what about you? Isn't it, like, creepy? What do you think Yor-Senpai?"

Yor is seen in a uniform and pouring coffee. One of the girls teased her, "is that the chief's coffee? Wanna put a booger in it?"

"Eh? Does mucus make it taste better? I never knew." Yor was confused, the women turned silent.

"Yor-Senpai, how do I put this... you're really... private, huh?" one of the women said.

"Eh?" Yor was shocked.

"I know what you mean! It's like she's in her own little world! No man's ever coming near her!" Mille clapped her hands with a sympathetic look.

"Hey watch it, Mille." Sharon stated.

"But you've got such a good baseline, Yor-Senpai! If you were a little more fashionable, you could be, like, totally popular!" the unnamed woman gave a smile.

"Oh, I know! I can recommend you some cosmetics!" Mille suggested.

"Well, I don't really care, as long as it doesn't interfere with my work..." Yor simply stated.

"Whaaaat? But aren't you, like, 27? You could be in trouble if you don't watch out." the woman's facial expression changes into a more sinister grin. "Seems like there a lot of spies and stuff these days. So people are getting reported for the littlest things. Like, I hear that just the other day some lady around 30 years old got reported for living on her own. The neighbor said she was 'suspicious'!"

"Seriously? That's hilarious!"

"But it's single? At that age? That's just sad."

"That's like, so fishy!"

Yor bowed, taking in the information, "I see. Thank you for the warning."

"... Oh, I know! We're having a party at my place this weekend. You should come too, Yor-Senpai! Just remember to bring a date!" the woman cockily said as she and the three girls walked away.

"Isn't that a hurdle a little high for her!"

"Maybe she can ask that who broke in?"

"That's just mean! El Oh El!"

Yor looked at the three in silence, night then rolled around. "You should've just punted them with your ninja skills."

"Assassin skills aren't used for that. And that would've given me away, Y/n." Yor responded with a troubled look. She looked over at the boy, who had a screwdriver and a panel on his shoes were open. He turned a device counterclockwise and that made the shows hover slightly. Yor a bit curious, peeked over Y/n's shoulder. Y/n's bag from when he left the future house was with him, and he was currently upgrading his shoes...again.

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