Misson #2: Family Bonding

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(Don't know about you, but when I hear the full version of the opening, I feel like the first half is about Anya's point of view to her new family. But I feel like the second half, with more saxophone and the slowed down feel, is definitely Y/n's point of view. And then the ending is the family coming together.

But while I'm here, I'm glad you guys liked Yor and Y/n's dynamic so far, that was an element I was a bit nervous on. Any feedback is helpful. I hope I can cover Y/n and Loid's relationship clear as Y/n is smarter than Yor to some extent and Loid can surely pick up more than Yor can when it will come to just what/who Y/n is. Anyway, let's go!)

Eastern People's Republic of Ostania.

Capital City Burlingto.

128 Park Way.

A box is seen dropping on the ground, Y/n is seen walking into the apartment with some boxes. "Here, let me get that for you."

"Ah, thanks." Y/n responds to Loid as he holds the door opens. Y/n has a sweat drop as he looks at the box, "this box isn't really that heavy due to Yor's training, I know I didn't have much to bring anyway, but still. Luckily my gear is in here."

"Excuse me, Loid? About the bedrooms." Yor asked shyly as she carried some blankets and pillows.

"They'll be separated, of course." Loid stated, "we'll only need to pretend when we have guests, okay?"

"Still, I know I said I was fine with this arrangement, but I don't know what this guy is after." Y/n said as he looked at Yor, who gave him a look, "and after the A.R lenses were banned for everyday use by Yor due to an invasion of privacy, I can't see what's in the boxes. Well...maybe a bit of a peek wouldn't hurt. How would she even know any-..."

"Y/n." Yor simply said his name and Y/n stopped whatever he was planning on doing.

Woman's intuition or Mother's intuition?

"Welcome to Anya's house!" Anya smiled at the two.

"Pleasure to be here, Anya." Yor smiled and looked down to make eye contact.

"Welcome, big brother." Anya said as Y/n was unsure how to speak to someone like this.

"Ah, I guess we're siblings for the time being, I'll be in your care, Anya." Y/n said as Yor could feel the unease flowing from Y/n. "The situation is odd, in the white room, the kids would call me Big Brother because I would get them out of trouble. But I'm in a whole different time period. I doubt a time traveling freak like me can relate to a young girl like this."

"T-Time traveler?!" Anya thought with a shocked expression. It then changed to one of excitement, "my new big brother's a Time Traveler?! So cool!"

They had an unusual family.

Dad Is A Spy.

Mom Is A Assassin.

The Daughter Is A Esper.

And The Son Is A Time Traveler.

"I always wanted a Ma!" Anya took a box from Y/n, that she could carry. "I wanna help."

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