Mission #4: School...SCHOOL SUCKS!!

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The family was seen at the tailor, Y/n had just finished getting measured. The teenager was now looking towards his sister, "nine point... five!"

Anya looked at the family, "I'm 2 milli bigger! Since last time!"

"Probably just an error." Loid shoo his head.

"Don't you know? Kids are always growing." the nice tailor reminded.

Yor nodded, "that's right. My brother was like that too."

"In that case, could you make it a little bigger? To account for her growth." Loid asked as the lady nodded.

"But jeez,'I still can't believe Yor went and got married behind my back." the lady spoke up again while measuring Anya still, "you could've told me last time you were here, you know. I'm retrospect, you were obviously together by then."

"Um, actually...I'm sorry..." Yor bowed.

"And your daughter and son are going to Eden of all places!" the lady smiled at them, before looking towards Y/n. "Congratulations."

"Ah, thank you very much." Y/n bowed. "Still gotta get used to this..."

"Are you an Eden alumnus too, sir?" the lady asked Loid.

"Oh, no. I went to a third rate rural school..." Loid stated as the lady stiffened.

"Oh? You'd better watch out then." the lady gained a scary face, "it's a school built around tradition, after all there's something of a wall between the old blood and the rest. And that attitude's spread to the students too, giving rise to discrimination and bullying. Not only that, they also look down in scholarship students, not to mention the strife between boarders and computers." the woman sighed, "and speaking of commuters, it's not uncommon for them to be kidnapped for random either. Since anyone attending Eden is guaranteed to have rich parents, you see."

Anya shook, terrified, "I don't wanna go to school anymore."

Loid worried before the lady held her hand. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to frighten you. Don't worry, there's plenty of fun waiting for you too. Plus, you'll have your big brother there with you."

Anya looked at Y/n, "protect Anya?"

Y/n gave a devilish smile before feeling Yor's menacing aura, "yeah...I'll be there for you. Though, if it's as bad as she said, I might have my own problems."

After ordering the expensive clothes, the family started to walk home. Anya, however, was cautious. Loid looked at her, "what's wrong?"

"Kidnappers!" Anya shouted.

"Wow, that was fast." Y/n looked at her, she then cling onto Y/n's leg. "What the-? You're compact!" Y/n started to shake his leg, "off, off!"

Loid had a sweatdrop go down the side of the face. "Shall we eat our today, Yor?"

"Sure, of course." Yor smiled.

"Do kidnappers not go to restaurants?" Y/n and Anya both asked. One with sarcasm, the other genuinely curious.

And so, the family ordered their meals. The waiter came out with Loid's food, "today's special is pork sauté with pawpaw sauce, served with porcini and garnished with potato postage."

"Po?" Anya was confused.

"Looks great." Loid smiled, "so it's cipher P. It's about a mission briefing. At site D in 5 days at 1300 hours."

Y/n seemed to stare at Loid with a bit of suspicion. Before his food came, he held a tiny dot, "no...tracking him is a displacement of trust."

Y/n dropped it on the ground and crushed it. Anya looked at him, "good job."

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