Mission #9: Never Stopped To Ask, Should You...?

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"So me and Ba aren't gonna get a Stella star for helping to stop the bad guys?" Anya asked Loid, who was brushing his teeth.

"That's right. We have to keep the whole thing a secret for the sake of East-West relations." Loid informed, "you're not going to say a word about it at school, right? The police could take you away forever if you do!"

Anya looked at Bond, "after all we did to save the world..."

"Worf?" Bond was confused.

"Anya, it's almost time." Yor held up her uniform, "can you get Y/n for me?"

"Sure, ma!" Anya rushed to Y/n's room, who was seen upgrading his translator in his room. "Ba! School remember."

"————." Y/n tried to speak but it appeared to be in a digital language. Anya held her ears before Y/n attached the translator. "Sorry, Anya. I'll be there soon."

"Ba, you're kinda weird." Anya pointed and stated bluntly.

Y/n felt an arrow go through his heart, "yeah..I know..."
"Dude?! What happened?!" William shouted, looking at Y/n.

"I'm not sure what you mean." Y/n had bandages around his neck.

"You're all wounded! What's going on?!" William pulled his face. "Did you get hit by a car?! ...did you hit a car?"

"I wish." Y/n sightly touched his neck, "I...fell down the stairs, it's fine."

"'Fine' isn't absolutely." Sora suddenly said as she looked down at Y/n.

William flinched, "crap, it's the rule keeper!"

"What with that lame title?!" Sora briefly lost her cool. But her mindflashes back...

"What?" Sora asked.

Sylvia folded her arms in her chair, "you heard me. Your classmate, Y/n Forger, was almost murdered by the Germada."

"He got caught in the terrorists attack?" Sora questioned with a worried look.

"Not quite. The whole Forger seemed appeared to be caught in the conflict." Sylvia explained, placing a file on the table. "But, it seemed like they were looking specifically for him."

"Purple eyes, similar technology?" Sora read through the description, "mom-Ma'am, you can't possibly believe that these two are connected..."

"Why can't I? Fate has an odd way of revealing what's hidden. Usually the truth is closer than we expect," Sylvia slightly glared at her daughter, "and even when it's aiming the barrel at our heads point blank, we may decide to take the bullet to ignore the truth. What will you decide?"

"I...." Sora rubs her arm, "your injures seem pretty serious. Are you sure you're okay?"

Y/n and William were taken off guard by the friendliness. "Uh...yeah, it doesn't hurt any.... That much anymore... but, thanks for asking."

Sora nodded, "no problem." she then traveled to her seat.

William hummed with his feet on the desk, "I wonder what that's about. Maybe she's not as bad as I remember."

"Yeah..." Y/n held his neck, though he looked at his watch, "I should probably figure out where my ancestor is. No doubt the Germada's gonna be looking for them."

"But where would I look?"
Y/n and Anya are seen entering home, "papa! Mama! We're home!"

"Worf!" Bond leaped at Anya and licked her all over.

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