Chapter Ten

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"So, Evan and Jaxon, huh," Dyami said on the way.

I smiled as the pair of boys in question crossed my mind. "Evan is really nice."

Dyami snorted. "What can I say? As his best friend, I am the good influence."

Rolling my eyes, I told him, sarcastically, "Yes, Dyami, he's nice because of you."

The boy chuckled at my words, making me appreciate how far we had come. Zynthéa had been right. He really wasn't that bad once he learned to trust someone. To think this boy was the same boy that I had met over a year ago, that was really insane to me.

Dyami's face became serious again. "I'm glad I didn't kill Jaxon despite how much I wanted to. I have your mate to thank that for," he said, his voice hard. "I can't even imagine what that would have done to Evan."

"I'm glad as well. I know it wasn't easy for you, and it's how we move forward from here on that matters," I reassured him, giving him a side glance.

The corner of his lips curled up, and he raised a brow. "Who would've thought a year later you would be accompanying me to the training grounds?"

I gave him a bored look. "And this time, I will kick your ass if you act up."

Dyami grinned and raised his hands in the air defensively. "Yes, ma'am."

After that, we remained quiet for the most part as we made our way. I tried to mind-link my mate, but my thoughts kept bouncing back. Dyami told me he wasn't able to get through either. My wolf seemed quiet, she was probably confused too.

When we reached the training grounds, I was disappointed when Alexander was nowhere in sight. I could feel a loud pang in my chest at the realisation.

The crowd of wolves awaiting gave me no room to worry about my mate, though. As their leader, I needed to ensure their training was running smoothly with no distractions. Especially when their Alpha was not present.

"Is everyone here?" I asked Dyami, whom seemed to be scanning the area.

I was sure he was both looking to ensure everyone was here and because he was searching for my mate.

After another quick scan, Dyami gave me a single nod, his professionalism now back on. "Correct, Luna."

My eyes roamed over the various male and female wolves, all looking eager to train. At times like this, having these members and training them, made me realise how wonderful it was being their Luna. They were good wolves, and I wanted them to feel protected despite the fact that it was their role to protect the pack.

"Before we begin training, I would like to tell you all how proud I am of each and every one of you," I told the crowd, my eyes roaming over them quickly. "I can appreciate how hard it must have been during this time to adjust to new training regimes and to each other after the packs were combined."

The crowd murmured words of agreement, some nodded and others smiled.

I continued with my speech, making it short, not wanting to waste their training time but made sure that they knew they were appreciated for their time and dedication to the pack.

My Luna Mate ✓Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz